I want to share a story that is so representative of what we are going thru now in our great shift into newness. A friend of mine was moving locally, and she texted me that she needed boxes. Could she borrow some of mine? No problem, of course. But then I had a message that I did not share with her.: Don’t get your boxes out, allow her to create boxes right where she is. Sure enough, a bit later she texted that a neighbor knocked on her door and asked if she needed moving boxes.
When I talked to her later, I said, great job creating boxes. “What? I didn’t create them,” she said.
So I asked her to tell me what happened.
“I said I needed boxes. A little while later I heard a knock at the door. And my neighbor had just completed her move and was getting rid of her boxes.”
And then she SAW it, she saw that she had created exactly what she needed right where she was and didn’t have to drive a half hour to my house, which she didn’t have time to do.
This is what we are learning that we can do now. We can create what we need by simply saying what we need and then allowing it to come in. Now, it doesn’t happen every single time yet. But it’s happening with greater frequency. And the more you practice it, the more it happens.

It is one of our powers, the ability to create. It is one of the things that is happening in the great shift into newness.
And once we accept that we are powerful, we can see that this is happening. It’s part of the process—love yourself, as deeply as you can, so that the Love spills out from you and touches those around you. Be sovereign—self-governing, so that you are not spilling your old programs out around you. This is happening big-time now with those who have not moved into awareness, and the spill is sometimes impacting us more than we like.
I’ve had had this happen a couple of times lately, and I finally asked my team why I was having these experiences of people around me being triggered. Here’s what I heard. And this message is for all of us having this experience.
This is part of the release and the transition into the new. These are people who have held judgment and fear and have not experienced self-love, and yet they have managed to live good and helpful lives, pretending. Now pretending is no longer the way. The way of the new is to be your authentic self, and each has to dive into their own inner “theme park” and ride the rides and explore what’s there, especially hidden in the caves and recesses, that they have believed and allowed to control their lives and choices. Now they must use all their courage to come into their own truth, their own sovereignty, their own divinity, in order to move beyond the limited lives they have kept themselves in. They must do this in order to move into their own happiness and beauty, their own power as creators. Because beyond this 3D life where you have lived is another life, an expanded life in a higher frequency, where you will have real freedom. But this is all about taking responsibility for your own Self and shepherding your Self into this expanded state. For each person, this will be the most courageous thing they have ever done. And the most liberating. But for now, you have the imbalance of light. The ones who are holding the new light will be both beacons and triggers for the others. Know that this is just for a time. And each time a person is triggered, the person opens further and more light goes in. Thank you for your service during these challenging times, the new experiences are so close now. And you are feeling these and knowing them. So share with those you can, take extra care of your Self, and spend time doing things that make you happy, things you love to do, things that nurture you.

Here’s something that just happened to me. I was driving back from the store and had the radio on. I said, “I want to hear Do It Again by the Beach Boys.” Some other song was playing, and I turned it off. Do It Again is not a song that gets much play, and not on my stations in this area.
Two days later, I had to run a quick errand. I got in the car, turned on the radio and heard the announcer say, “here you go.” And Do It Again started. I have to say, it was a magical experience, the kind you can feel inside you, where everything lines up perfectly and happens just like you wanted it too. Where it’s almost more than you can believe, but yet it’s exactly what you know is happening. This is our world now.
And again, it’s not happening all the time, because we are in the midst of the shift. We are watching the old world coming apart in not very pretty ways. We’re all feeling the creaking and groaning of the old being stressed. We’re being stressed. Someone I know told me he just hit a wall. He said he took some time to rebalance and get back on track. I’m sure you’ve had your own moments. This is an extremely challenging time. We’ve never been thru anything like this. And yet, it’s also offering the rewards, and I notice, we have to be ready and willing to accept them. This is related to our moving out of the old world and the old world no longer is able to track us. I had this happen recently and was caught off-guard by it. Soon we will just know that we are not in that world and owe it nothing.
This is important, as we can still feel obligated to take part at times. But one crucial aspect of this transitional process is OUR MOVING OUT OF THE OLD. We stop agreeing to its limitations. And while we are all still needing to shop for necessities and pay our utility bills and such, all of this is transitioning, just as we are.

We are establishing our new galactic address. And fortunately, we don’t need moving boxes. But we do need trust and faith and endless self-love and peace in our hearts. Peace so that we are not hating those who are doing their work in their own way. Remember, our new worlds begin within us. We all have the power to create our own worlds. Bring the focus back to you. What is taking place within is what is important.
So I was just looking up the lyrics to Do It Again, to see if there was a message. And what came up was a completely different song I’ve never heard of, evidently a hymn. I’m going to quote the first stanza:
Walking around these walls
I thought by now they’d fall
But You have never failed me yet
Waiting for change to come
Knowing the battle’s won
For You have never failed me yet
That was a lovely reminder, because a friend just said to me, “I didn’t think it would take this long.” None of us thought it would take this long, but evidently it’s taking however long is necessary. And while I don’t want to add religious overtones to what I’m writing and creating, this was a good message to hear. I think we all thought the walls would have fallen by now. But yes, the Light has won, and while the process seems endless, little by little we are making progress in creating something new.
What’s taking place in your world? What are you noticing? I’d love to hear if you want to share in the comments.