We are being connected into the new flows of energy, and they are ever so powerful, ever so encompassing/energizing, and ever so humbling. Everything is changing. These are the changes we have waited for and worked for for so long. We are on the cusp of our new creation.
For years we’ve seen it from afar, as we headed towards it, diligently preparing, doing whatever was needed. And then we moved into an in-between space, half in one world and half out of another. And now, here we are seeing fruition. So much is happening as we take up residence in these new frequencies that we’ve anchored. There is magic to be experienced.

A young stray cat showed up, very friendly and interactive. I started feeding her where I found her, and then on her own she walked about two miles to be closer to my house. She was still about a half mile away, and she found a nice spot where she could sleep safely. Another neighbor joined me in feeding her and interacting with her every evening and then another neighbor and then another. We had a small group, all offering their services of feeding, brushing and interacting. I was concerned about one of her eyes, as she wasn’t opening it all the way. I said, it would be nice to get that checked. A few minutes later, a young couple rode up on bicycles and asked about the cat. We all talked a few minutes, and then I said, I wanted to get her checked out. The young woman pointed to her companion and said, “he’s a vet.”
So what are the odds that one of the first people to come by is a vet? Anyway, she had a quick checkup and he said she looked good. There was a small ulcer in her eye that he said would heal on its own. No worries. He offered to bring flea medicine next time he rode by so that she wouldn’t get fleas. So every evening, a small group of us has gathered around the cat, talking about finding her a good home and making sure she has what she needs. And every day the group has grown by one more person. This cat is a community creator, perfect for our time. Cats are often magical, able to create all kinds of things. But they often trigger our own magic. They help us to see our own power: how to create something out of your surroundings. This cat quickly created everything she needed.
And this past weekend, the college-age daughter of the people whose house the cat has been hanging around at, was at the house. She didn’t see the cat or us there feeding her, but we found out she had a dream that she found a cat and named it Fig. She told her mother, I really want this cat. So this cat is busy indeed creating its new home. Meanwhile, we are looking for the cat’s people. A couple people are interested in adopting her. Update: we found the cat’s people—two blocks away. She had been missing for two months, and has now been reunited.
But this is showing all the levels we all are working on—we’re working in our dreams, encountering real-life scenarios. We’re working with real-time energy. And we’re still interacting with the old energy as we create things in the new. This is powerful creative energy we are in. In fact, Thursday night it was so strong I couldn’t fall asleep.
The ulcer in the cat’s eye healed while we were caring for her, without treatment. When the owners arrived to get her, they were amazed. They are both nurses, and have been trying to heal her eye since they rescued her a few months ago as a stray. So this indicates that we who are doing this transformative work now are healing what is around us just by being present. The fact that we are present to our Selves creates healing and transformation around us. This is one of the ways we are creating the New Earth.
In fact, the cat’s people looked at her and said, “wow, she looks good!” All the grooming and New Earth energy was healing her in the same way that it its healing and wholing us, once we move into it. So this cat was able to reflect this back to us and it is so powerful to see.
Someone asked me after my last post why I was writing about moving boxes instead of something important. Moving boxes are important, if that’s what you need. And the minute you find out you can create what you need, you open a doorway into the New Earth. This is huge. The people I talk to who are still caught in the web of 3D don’t believe they can create what they need, and they have to experience it a few times to realize it is indeed possible. I helped a friend and her husband find a new home by simply telling her about a house that was for sale, but not listed. It had been taken off the market when the virus started. The house turned out to be a perfect fit. Then she asked me to help a friend of hers. But that’s not what I’m here for. Each has to discover for themselves that this is possible. Each has to do the work to clear their old programming, or be willing to choose a new way of being. Otherwise you will be stuck playing out in the dramas that are taking place now. It’s important to realize that you can choose. Each person has to begin to take responsibility for their own situation and realize they can change it. But they also have to believe it is possible. Each person has to stop hanging out in the victim consciousness of the old world, which is designed to keep you powerlessness. Open to the fact that something else is possible.
Most of you reading this are no longer in that world. You have moved beyond it into the gratitude and appreciation and the magic of what is taking place. Yes, we all still have days where we are a little down or tired or impatient, but this is something that passes. And we have techniques to pull ourselves out of that. These are all things I’ve written about already. What’s important is to begin to see the ways you are creating, the ways you are able to create, a new experience.

Our New Earth is formed from the beautiful new vibes that we are able to hold now so begin to share the beauty that you want to see and experience. Share your gratitude, share your love. Share your ideas, share your hopes. Use your power. This shift taking place right now depends on each of us helping in whatever ways we can.
How can we support each other? How can we lift each other up? How can we inspire? How can we be of service? None of us needs any more negative input. How do we let go of struggling and fighting? How do we come together? How do we live in a new way? This is our time to make this happen.