Friday night I was awake for two hours watching and experiencing diamond energy downloads, watching with my third eye, experiencing them in my body. It began with a sharp pain in my solar center (3rd chakra area) that woke me up. This is the center of our will and our power, so I knew something big was taking place. As the pain cleared, I saw a gateway inside me open into a new frequency of light. We continue to be granted opportunities to move into higher frequencies and into more of our truth, authenticity and power. And we are the gateways for what is unfolding, because it is unfolding and opening and being anchored thru us. Following that I saw cascading diamonds of sparkling white and sometimes violet light.
In the morning, when I asked what had happened, I heard, we continue to expand. This expansion is ongoing and includes within it the release of the old. So as we (and our bodies) continue to open, we release whatever is no longer needed, whatever is standing in the way of full sovereign and divinity. It is essential that we move into our full power, and this is happening. We are being shown the thoughts and patterns that intentionally interfere with that, that have always interfered. And we continue to move into the new frequencies.
There is another part to this. When I was having this experience, I was aware that others were having the experience too. I knew who at least one of these was. It’s not someone I know personally, but someone who writes about this process online. And indeed, this person wrote about this the next day. Her way of describing it is somewhat different, but the experience is related. This is part of us beginning to experience unity, that we will feel others also going thru what we are going thru. We know that we’re creating it and anchoring it for others as it’s taking place, because we have evolved enough to be able to see this. And know that while much is shared, there is always more that can’t be put into words because this is a multidimensional experience. Know that as you read about it, you open to it for yourself and your Self. And when you are ready, you move into your creatorship role. This is a personal experience that happens in partnership with the Divine/Source energy. You must pursue this, you must ask for this, you must move into your own sovereignty and open to what is possible for You.
After this experience I was led to the site of someone I have never heard of, and she also described some of what I went thru. This is part of a greater unfolding taking place now. As we move thru this transition, everything begins to be connected, even events from the trajectory of our own lives. We are creating individually, and we are creating as a whole. Each is working on their part. We are entering an extremely important and transitional time this fall, and we will see many things transpiring and clicking into place. Much of the old is being cleared and has been cleared to make way for the new.

One way this is showing up for us is letting go of old world rules and customs and beginning to embrace new ways. I just had an experience of this (there’ve been a few already) and I’ve noticed that it’s not easy to let go of how we have always done things. These old habits are embedded in our psyche. And yet, we are required to release them. So on my bike ride, I saw a neighbor having a moving sale. Their driveway was full of things they have decided to not take with them. I stopped to see what they had and saw some small 5×7 picture frames. I needed a couple, so I walked up to pay for them, and this neighbor said, you know what, just take these. Now I had already “seen” that this would happen, so I could prepare for it, and yet the old-world aspect of me wanted to pay, because that’s what we learned to do. But because I was shown the picture of this happening, I knew I needed to accept this. This is part of our new world. We are going to notice things like this happening, and pay attention to your reaction. Do you insist on the old-world behavior? Or are you willing to release it? Notice this for yourself. We have all been people who have helped and assisted others and we are now beginning to experience the support of the universe coming our way. This may seem like a small example but it is telling. In our old world we learned that we didn’t want to owe others, and so we did more than our share. But as we move into balance and harmony, this is no longer an operating principle. Every action that comes thru the heart, as this one did, carries no debt. Love is our new foundational currency, because it is a supportive and unconditional energy. It nurtures, it cares for creation. So pay attention for yourself to any old beliefs you still cling to. How much are you willing to trust the new that we are creating?

In the old world we had an idea that if we take something, then we also owe something, but as we move into the new frequencies, we begin to serve in many ways, and so because of that we are also rewarded. This helps us to value our service and all the gifts we are giving. Often we undervalue these. But in the new frequencies we are giving all the time, and to balance this, it is important to also receive. We open to receiving, in whatever ways this comes to us. Love is limitless. Like the ads you may have seen on TV a while back, it’s priceless. We exist beyond debt. We exist beyond owing. This is part of the new frequency.
There is something I am observing as we are creating the New Earth. Those who are still caught in fear or making decisions based in fear are actively tearing apart what is being built. So as we build, if we are building with those who are still caught in fear paradigms, we will not get very far. Thus we need to focus on building our own parts first, until we see that others have solidified their own foundations and are capable of maintaining them. We may want to build with others, but until they have cleared their own restrictive programming, they will not be able to hold the vibration required in the new.
So continue to observe, release, open and anchor as these new waves of energy flood in. And continue to create your New Earth. Make it as beautiful and expansive as you can imagine.
Thank you Terry, so encouraging and uplifting. The last 6 months our lives have been changing dramatically and still are. What you said resonates with me and is in line with so many of my spiritual FB friends. It seems as you say that more and more are preaching lol the same thing. Blessings Gayle
Gayle, so nice to hear from you. Hope you are doing well in the midst of all these changes. Blessings to you!