There is the most beautiful heart-expanding, heart-softening energy coming in today, Friday 9/18, as we head into the Fall Equinox on Tuesday 9/22. It’s another 9/9 gateway, and this energy is helping us to open even more, to surrender to what we have held the farthest from us—love. The love that many of us found in the old world, the 3D world, wasn’t safe. No wonder that we kept it away from us, so that we could feel safe, so that we could find out who we really are without anyone else telling us who they think we are with their assumptions and projections.
This is an incredible opportunity, so if you have a moment, tune in and open to this energy. Feel it for yourself, your Self. Your Self of course already knows this Love and welcomes it whole-heartedly. Your Self is whole, holy, healthy, and is holding the space while you—the old you—release everything that is not true about YOU. So that you can experience who YOU really are, the authenticity and awesomeness that lies within you, like a seed, just waiting to sprout and venture forth and share your beauty.

We’re doing this now, each at our own pace, each as we feel safe enough. If you’ve tuned in, you’ve noticed your own guidance related to this. Someone I know who just returned from a family reunion walked into her own house and felt flooded with happiness at the space she has created to explore her own relationship with unity and her divine essence. We can do this in many ways, each will find their path. You recognize it for yourself. It’s all based on feeling, the internal knowing that floods us with joy and love and happiness when we are in alignment with our truth.
It’s a long road, it’s not an easy road, and yet we are all walking it, because we have awakened into our guidance and knowing. We can feel the unmistakable pull of truth. This is not fear, it’s not dislike, it’s a calm, pure sense of knowing. It’s our own trail of crumbs that we follow based on what we feel inside, what we are hearing and knowing. This is not about anybody else whatsoever. It is not about what is taking place in the world out there. It is about what is taking place inside, the truth that is unfolding within you. And as it unfolds, as it takes you by the hand, as it whispers to you, your inner world changes and then your outer world begins to change. We step out of being manipulated or talked to by our thinking brain and move into being guided by our intuitive brain, the part that has gone unused and was just waiting for an opportunity to be a part of our lives.
We’re accessing our unused DNA and our unused intuitive brain in order to become fully who we are. We’re finding out that we lived in a limited world, where we didn’t see everything because we were told it wasn’t there. Someone I know was just awakened in the night because he felt someone’s presence. Above him was a glowing purple ball of light and energy and it was looking right at him. He knew who it was because, yes, everyone has a soul signature and we are able to read these, even if we don’t know we do that. It was a recently deceased relative, who wished to connect with him. They do want to connect with us, and often we’re afraid of that, as much as we want it. But when we have the experience, we feel the love. We discover it’s not fearful, and in fact it can take away our fear because it expands our world. We realize that we exist in a limitless way, as energy, beyond the confines of the 3D world. This incarnation is just one tiny part of who we are. Think about being able to be a ball of beautiful purple light and visiting someone and connecting with them in a deep and meaningful way. And that too is just part of who we are.
Right as I wrote this part, I received a text from this person. All it said was ding, ding. It was in response to a photo my phone took on its own yesterday. As I open the text, there is the purple circular bell. The synchronicity and sense of humor of the universe is so beautiful. The magic is inescapable. Did you mention purple ball of light?

We are expanding who we are in every moment. Expanding into our truth, into our absolutely incredible essence that is so much greater than anything we have been able to be in our physical human lives. We are beautiful beings for sure, we can do incredible things, create amazing art, cook scrumptious food, sing sweet songs, climb mountains, explore the oceans and fly into space. But our essence not only includes all that, it lies beyond it. This essence is who we are beginning to connect with now.
We connect with this essence in the new energies, the energies of 5D and beyond. All the frequencies that takes us beyond the limitations we have felt in this old world. We move from this world, with its gravity, which also means seriousness, into the light-hearted, light-filled frequencies that lie beyond. Into all the light and lightness of the new worlds we are creating.
We release all the ways we have not felt whole, all the ways we have felt less than, all the anger and shame and guilt and the emotions that made us so uncomfortable that we had to stuff them down or project them out unfortunately onto other people. It was a lose-lose scenario. And each person who is still projecting their anger and frustration outward needs to ask WHY. When you own it you become sovereign, someone others can trust and feel safe around, someone you can Love with your whole heart. By loving ourselves we move into health and wholeness and holiness. By truly loving and respecting ourselves, we can truly love and respect others and enter the unified field, because we have released the need to diminish anyone else or cause harm to their own physical and emotional well-being.
We then move into a win-win, where we are able to unify and co-create peace and harmony and abundance. And what many of us have created within is beginning to show up in the outer world. Peace. I have wanted this my whole life. To see the peace agreements signed this week was emotional. And it’s just one aspect of the peace being created.

We can keep our focus on creating, we can keep our new Selves in the higher frequencies and allow everything around us to move into those higher frequencies. We can stop fighting and resisting and allow the NEW to carry us in all of our new lightness and light-heartedness. We can soar into new heights because we have learned to FLY. We have learned how to lift ourselves out of the gravity and heaviness and seriousness and suffering of the old world in order to experience an expanded, open-hearted new way of being, full of lightness and light. This is what is happening now, as soon as you are ready, as soon as you are willing to CHOOSE a new way of being. As soon as you BELIEVE it is possible. As soon as you choose YOU. As soon as you realize you are a creator capable of incredible things. As soon as you let go of all the unworkability you can create a pathway leading into the New Earth.
Because of all the smoke from the fires on the West Coast, I had not seen the sun in a week. I just saw it, and it was different once again, a brilliant diamond white. And the energy streaming in today from our new sun is bringing sweet Love vibes and the potential for beautiful new creativity. Step into this with your open heart.