We continue to experience openings and connections in this process of transformation. This past week my Internet went out. I could immediately feel the difference, how the energy in my house and my physical body felt lighter with no Internet signal. It actually felt good. After 3 days and a message from the Internet provider that it would be out in my area for a week, I asked if there was some higher purpose for the outage.
That night, after I went to bed, I was shown an opening, like a passageway in the galaxy. It looked like a tunnel and I could see light shining at the end of it. Yet I did not want to go into it without knowing where it went.
But I wasn’t told. So often in this process, trust is required. But it’s also important to use discernment. That’s why we’ve learned to feel—thru our vastly expanded heart and solar centers—what’s taking place. I went close to the passageway and stepped in, still wondering. But the feeling was good. I made my way and quickly found myself at an enormous door. Outside the door were two very large dragons, the largest ones I’ve ever seen, and they were the king and queen. They were standing outside their Dragon King/Queendom. Given what has happened to them in our world and the way they have been misunderstood and misrepresented, no humans are allowed inside.
They greeted me and told me there was a job to do, a risky job, but that I would be safe if I stayed on the golden dragon who would transport me. After briefly thinking “why me,” I decided I would do it. They gave me a key and I climbed on the beautiful golden dragon, which seemed to be made of light. Its skin was soft and smooth and glowing. In a moment we were off.

We arrived at a gateway that needed unlocking, and I finagled as best I could to reach it but finally had to climb down off the dragon to get the key in. It was a gateway to allow dark energy to leave the earth realm, and the warning I was given was to get back on the dragon right away and not be pulled thru the gateway. All around I had seen dark energy that was very unsettling.
But with the golden dragon I was soon back at the Dragon King/Queendom. When I arrived, they thanked me and said we would soon begin to notice that life on earth was improving. Many humans are working with them in various ways to make this happen. As we humans move into purity we can connect with the dragons. And each of us has agreed to do different things in this process we are in. The dragons can also summon us to help when they know we are ready, when we have evolved enough that we can see who they are and know who they are. They can see when we hold enough love and respect for ourselves that we can also love and honor and respect them.
Then they opened the enormous doors and invited me to step in. From the entry I could see what was beyond. It was breathtaking, the most beautiful, pristine landscape of hills and valleys as far as the eye could see. It was lush and verdant and peaceful. There were many fruit trees. This is where they have lived because the earth has not been safe for them. It was the only way until now.
What was transmitted to me is this: You must have a pure heart to enter the Land of the Dragons. You must have love and respect for yourself. The Land of the Dragons is a sacred space.Their relationship with you is sacred. Each of us will decide if we want to interact with them. They already have what we are creating and can assist us with that. We are each on a unique journey as we move into unity and into co-creation.
They thanked me for what I had done and in a ceremony gifted me a magnificent jewel-laden sword. When these things happen they all have to be “unpacked,” as time can be compressed when these experiences take place. And even tho this whole process took some time, I know it was condensed and as I look at it, it unfolds again. It’s very vivid. I told them I didn’t feel that I needed a sword and they shared with me this is a Light Sword. Each of the jewels sends light of the color of its realm into whatever situation it’s needed to be used for. The sword is only used for Light, for creating healing and transformation.
The first thing they asked was that I send the blue green/aqua color into the oceans and the earth. And that’s what I did next. And when I touched the sword to the oceans and the earth, I saw the blue/green/aqua light stream forth with great power. And I saw the light going into the oceans and the earth. This is a power tool to create the New Earth.
I have been using this light for awhile in my work, as I was guided to begin doing that several months back. This is something you can do in your meditation as well, picture you are sending this light to the earth and the oceans. This is a co-creation.
We’re in the crystalline realm, giving us access to the kingdoms within and the kingdoms without. We enter cohesiveness. There are challenges from the old world as it continues to put forth its storyline, but those timelines have reached completion. All is being returned to divinity, to Source, to unity and sovereignty, to balance and harmony. We move into the purity of our Self, of our connection to the whole.

This is what we can learn from the dragon, and we can find the dragon when we find our own purity, our own grace. Or rather, the dragon finds us. The magical, mythical creature steps from the storybooks into our own awareness. By being willing to move into the new, with an open heart, we make ourselves available to this magic and to the potential that exists within each of us to move beyond the restriction held in the old matrix. We move beyond what most take for granted there into the truth of what really is, the truth that each of us carries within us, when we go to find it.
These were not like any dragons I had read about: they were beings of strength and beauty and love who knew their own hearts. They were not here to do harm, but had created a way to live in peace. As we learn to live in peace, to release needing to do harm to anyone else, we enter their frequency. They are able to assist by sharing what they know. And we in turn can learn to be fiercely protective of our own spaces that we have cleared in order to have peace. We will find we are guarding the doors to our own spaces and not allowing in any who bring less than love. We are no longer interested in that. These are our own holy lands, the places of purity where we now live, the sacred spaces we inhabit, that we have created. This is our New Earth, infused now with Diamond Light and the expanding visions of a legion of creators dreaming the new into being.
Things I am noticing this past week:
—There can be times when it is harder to create due to the extreme blocking energies we are occasionally encountering now. Don’t struggle with them, just wait for an opening. The openings come and go.
—Sightings of dark energy forms. Don’t engage, just send them away.
—Emotional fluctuations. Times of feeling sad especially. Allow it to work thru.
—Disrupted sleep. We’re adjusting to the intensity of the new frequencies.
—Increasing perceptive ability. More information is coming to us thru our extra-sensory perception.
—We have a growing sense of this new strong Self we are becoming.
As of Saturday I am feeling an incredible sense of excitement. We have definitely moved out of the old and will notice how it is not able to entangle us. There are things brewing that are good, that are coming into play.
The dragons asked me to share this experience with you, so that you know there is much that awaits, much that is beyond our own knowing at this time, as we move into the wonder and the mystery, and we continue the adventure.
Wow. This is so great. Thank you for sharing this and thank you for all the work that you do! These are very exciting times.
And thank YOU for all that you do. It’s interesting, this dragon energy has been very present since this experience. I’ve had them around me before, but this is a new feeling. This is coming into alignment with them and feeling their support. See if you can notice that.
This is amazing. Thank you for your work for humanity and the earth. So much is shifting energetically. The higher frequencies feel so good. And your messages so powerful. Thank you.