We have been dealing with some intense, super challenging energies that have kept us from creating. Those began to ease this past week so you may have noticed we were again able to be in our power and use our power in order to have things flow more easily. Some of the energies we’ve struggled with are now gone, and this means it’s easier to create again.
While we’re creating the new, we’re also working with the old, We’re working on several levels at once. We create the templates by envisioning the new world, and we continue to help steer the old world in the right direction. It’s like guiding the ship into port. We continue to make course corrections as needed. We’re having new experiences, and we’re refining and redefining our abilities with 3D things we have to take care of so that they are resolved quickly and without too much effort.
This week, I needed new tires and had to order them from the place I usually go. Along with all the other shortages we’ve had, there’s also a shortage of tires. Right after I ordered them I got a flat tire and had to have that fixed. So I was in the tire shop several times in two weeks. When the new tires came I was told there were no appointments and the business was short-staffed due to the virus. “You will have to just come in when you can and wait your turn,” a rather brusque person told me over the phone. I made a mental note that I didn’t need to interact with him anymore, and I’ve always had the best, most courteous service from this business. So once the tires arrived, I asked my higher connection and knowing to let me know when a good time was. I waited a few days and then one day after lunch I heard, right now is good. It felt like I had to go, right then, like I was being pushed by my unseen team.
So I jumped in the car and headed to the shop. There were no customers there when I got there and two employees began immediately working on my car. I went inside to wait. No one was inside either. Within moments, several customers arrived and they were told they would have to wait. They were also told they had to wait in their cars and to stay in their cars while the work was done as well. No one had mentioned that to me. I felt in some ways again that I was in a distinct or separate space for lack of a better way to describe it. It feels like a floaty space just above the fray, where things can work in an effortless, problem-free way. Before I went, I expressed my intention—to be out of there in a half hour, and even tho they had told me 45 minutes, they finished in a half hour. Again, we always want to put our intention out for what we wish to experience.
When I got in my car to head home, the traffic coming toward me was completely backed up due to a vehicle fire just a short distance to the south. But my direction—north—was clear. I felt quite fortunate not to be stuck in traffic. And I could feel how the energies had become supportive again, able to work with us to create all the things we have to create still in the old world, the 3D world that was our home until the gates began to open to the New Earth. It has been good to feel this flow again.
We are also able to create again in the new, and while this may seem like a slow process, much is happening. We will see some people falling away or lagging as they are not quite ready for the higher cosmic frequencies that are slamming in now. And truly, these can hit and put you on the couch for a few hours with a feeling of fatigue and a lack of desire to do anything. And then it lifts and we are able to accomplish all kinds of things very quickly. I had a couple of those this week, and when they lifted I found myself doing things like washing windows and moving furniture to vacuum behind it. I was surprised, as it wasn’t on my agenda for that day, but it was done in record time.
That’s why we want to flow with what’s flowing and most of us have been given time to do this. Lots of flow time, even if we were not anticipating being laid off from our jobs or having whatever work we do dry up temporarily. It helps us, it gives us time, to move more into that floaty space, that flow space where we are in greater alignment with what is. This last week, the sylph clouds were back. They always seem to help clear away dense energies, and they bring a lightness to everything.
We are all coming to a choice point, where we will choose what was or a whole new way. This whole new way may cause us to have to rethink a lot of what we have always held to be true. But our hard and fast old belief structure is being rattled loose now so that we can experience a new truth, a truth that resonates with a new frequency, a supportive, regenerative frequency that moves us into joy. If you are feeling challenged or angry or fearful or anxious, how can you move past that? When we are in those lower emotions, it is easier for us to be controlled, because we are not connected with our own authentic power and truth, our own knowing. We are listening to what’s being put out there for us to “believe.” But when we access our own knowing and our own truth, we are no longer “believers” in the old mush. We are able to see thru it, we are able to see the agenda, we are able to see what those who are offering this really want us to experience.
Are you ready to choose freedom? Are you ready to choose to honor your authenticity and your cosmic power? Are you ready to make a new choice? It’s your choice. But see if you can make this choice from your New Self, the one who is coming into existence right now, inside of you. The one who is ready to release all the old limiting behaviors and ideas in order to live and be in a new way.
This New You knows beyond a shadow of a doubt because you can feel it inside you. This is the one who is being called into action now. Are you ready to make this step and open yourself to a new way of being? Are you ready to learn what it means to be a sovereign, authentic, empowered You? Begin to envision the New Earth that is now available to us. Help bring this ship into port, so that we can all begin to create and be in a new way. So that we can all experience who we really are. So that we can all begin to co-create a New Earth, beyond the limits and constrictions of the old one.