There is so much happening now on all levels, in the old 3D world and in the higher frequencies as well. We can see some of what’s happening in the 3D, depending on our source of news, and people are seeing distinct versions, depending on their perspective. But even in the 3D, not all is at it seems, because it is being evolved and timelines are ending and frequencies are increasing. We are going to see so much taking place due to this. In the higher frequencies, those who connect are bringing us their versions and interpretations. And many of us are receiving our own info. In the end, each of us is choosing what to believe, based on how all this information resonates, based on who we feel is speaking the truth, who is speaking from their heart, and who has the interests of the greater good in their heart/mind. And based on where we are in the process.
It is good to remember to re-center ofter. Return to your own center, your own equanimity, your own peace. Create a space where you can experience peace, either indoors or out, and keep it clear of interference. Or clear it as needed.
In my last post, I wrote that we are now choosing which world we want to live in, we’re all choosing what we believe is the truth. There are aspects of the old world that are evolving into peace and inclusion, into supportive choices, into a world that works for everyone. And there are aspects that are following another path, into more control and less freedom, that are bringing us scenes from George Orwell’s book 1984. But as the truth comes into view, remember we are in the process of creating something new, something beautiful and supportive for all who open their hearts, and we will be releasing anything that does not align with that. There is no way the lower frequencies will be able to exist in these rarified higher realms. This is the greater path that encompasses all the smaller paths.

Many can see the timelines splitting and the choices appearing. We’re seeing the irrational anger and the lack of willingness of so many to see another side. We’re seeing things we’ve never witnessed in our time on this planet, and much of it is very surprising and it doesn’t make sense. We may be talking to a friend we haven’t seen in months, and within moments the person is ranting and raving about what is taking place. This is why it is so important to be in our neutrality, in our own space of harmony, balance and peace. We are holding the new space.
We’ve come into neutrality on many things, so that we are not engaging as much at the level of 3D, because we have moved beyond it. And yet, lately we are being pulled back into it as we lead the way into the new. We’re listening, we’re sharing, we’re holding the space for all to evolve. The love we have learned to hold for our Selves shines brightly. It is magnetic. It is the foundation for all that we are creating. In fact, at times you may feel the enormous power of this. It is serene, potent, magnetizing, harmonizing, awe-inspiring and instructional. Feel this force that lives within you. It is the wave you are riding into the New Earth and the new time. May this force be with everyone.
Many of us have embraced the new consciousness in the last several years, the crystalline consciousness that is supplanting the old. Since I first connected with this energy on 10/10/10 it was clear that the very thing that we had come here to do was finally starting to take shape in a way that could be felt and sensed. It was a palpable, powerful energy that moved into our awareness and made us realize that things were going to be very different, even if we didn’t know exactly how. And as we embodied that energy, we became aware of the New Earth taking shape, coming into view but just out of reach. And now it’s here, available to those of us who have created it and available for all who wish to live in a new way.

Everything continues to evolve and ascend into the new frequencies and we continue to anchor those frequencies in the here and now. We are receiving the diamond frequencies—just notice how white the sun is. All this energy is rewriting who we are. We have moved into knowing things before they happen, and this is taking place with such frequency that it is now The Way It Is. Yesterday morning I thought, I haven’t heard from my brother. Two hours later, I heard from him. I thought about a friend I hadn’t heard from in a few weeks and she called me. My cat routinely connects. If I wonder where he is, 30 seconds later he comes thru the cat door and walks up to me. We are all connected now, even those who don’t realize this is taking place. We are in the unified field and I’m sure you’re having your own experiences with this.
We are very motivated to release everything from the old world that no longer resonates with us. This can include everything from physical objects to friendships to beliefs and agreements. We release the old and come into new realizations about the new.
And the way we are eating continues to evolve, as we eat lighter and lighter. You will notice that the idea of certain foods like red meat can make you nauseous. This is our body’s way of letting us know these foods no longer resonate, and we are no longer in alignment with the practices of these industries. The evolution at this point is simply happening. We are just trying to keep up with it.
Thank you for your wonderful emails about how you are resonating with this work and this information. We’re doing this together, each of us, wherever we are on the planet. And if any of you are in a position to give a donation, it would be greatly appreciated. As we move into the higher frequencies, we lose some of our 3D abilities, as I’m sure you’re discovering. Many are struggling now in the balancing act of the changeover from the old to the new and the ramifications of this in the 3D world. As we move into more freedom, there are those who want to restrain that. The polarities and ploys are evident. But we continue our focus on embodying all of the energies streaming into our new Selves that are helping us to bring in our New Earth and our new experience. Thank you for everything that you do.
As a thank you I am offering two sessions for half price this month. Normally they are $140, but these two will be $70. I will put the names in a hat of everyone who responds and choose two. Please email me if you are interested. You can find more information about the sessions at the top of the page under Private Sessions, or by clicking here.