We are envisioning the new. And this is such powerful work, as what we think about is being created around us in the moments after we dream it into being. In the higher frequencies we experience happiness for no reason and that has been happening big-time this last week. Things are dropping into place, connections are being wired, these new frequencies are the airwaves we are tuned into now.
You may notice you’re barely taking part in the old world in the ways you used to. The TV rarely gets turned on, events in the old world have little resonance, we’re so involved in the world we’ve created that this is where we are hanging out. Each one of us is having the experiences we’re creating. And it’s important for us to keep our focus there.
In my world, I have envisioned new forms of movies coming to us, movies that are free of violence and darkness and destruction. For the last few years I’ve been enjoying Hallmark Christmas movies because they are light-hearted and love-based. I’ve put out my personal request to the cosmos, that these movies become even better. And last night, I watched one called One Royal Christmas. I was struck by how well done it was. Turns out, Hallmark hired out-of-work Broadway actors for the roles. They can sing, they can dance, they bring such subtlety and professionalism to the characters. The movie was entertaining and funny and fun.

Also in my world, as a kid Halloween was one of my favorite holidays. I loved trick or treating in my costume. Every year now, I go to a couple of neighboring houses where friends live to trick or treat. It’s an enjoyable throwback to more carefree childhood days, and I like to be a reminder to people to have fun. This year, with everything that’s going on, I heard from a couple neighbors that nobody had plans to take part. So I decided to stay home. But I wanted something to happen. The next day—Halloween—some neighbors I hadn’t seen in about a month showed up with a bag of treats for me: a small Halloween-themed pastry, a popcorn ball and some mini candy bars. They had made some for their grandchildren and felt like I would enjoy a bag as well. It was perfect, a small taste of a holiday I loved as a kid. And I was surprised, because it was unexpected. Again, we have begun to experience allowing and receiving, and that makes room for the magic.
I had also written some things on a list that I needed to get at the store. On my bike ride mid-week I saw a neighbor putting out a bunch of stuff—all new, all free—on a shelf in front of her house. I got everything on my list. She told me she was just clearing some things out. Again, it was unexpected and surprising, as if someone had watched me make out my list and then saved me the trouble of driving to the store.

We definitely enter the surprise and magic when we clear our old patterns and move beyond them into the higher frequencies and the potential that is held there. This is where we begin creating the New Earth, and it’s a learning process as we learn to use our creative powers and our ability to create by thinking and dreaming. We allow things to come to us and we learn to receive. We work with the energies that are streaming in. We open to doing things in new ways. We experiment with our new tools.
As we enter the unified field, we can experience shared or unified consciousness. The first time this happens is quite strange. You are seeing from someone else’s eyes, as if you are inside of them. I’ve had it happen 3 times now and am still not used to it. One of these happened with a visit one night from the Cosmic Christ. He appeared, and as we were looking at each other and I was wondering what message he was bringing, I suddenly found myself looking out from his eyes. It startled me, because we may not feel we are at the level of such a pure and powerful being. But the experience is to show us that in the unified field we can experience shared consciousness. We can see from our crystalline consciousness and opening hearts, and the absolute purity and power of theirs too. I spoke with someone this past week who has also had this experience, with another being. We may feel we are not at the same level yet, but they are showing us that we are. And it’s time for us to be there and to move into this stage of awareness. They are passing us the baton. It’s time.
Big changes are coming, and we are being prepared for these in many ways. This is just one of the ways. We are being taken into our new formats, our next experience, our new abilities. We are being taken into the new versions of our Selves. And even if this is somewhat disconcerting or unfamiliar, we now know now to shake off the old and move into this new. We are ready for this. We’ve prepared for a long time. And our knowing is within, our knowing that we are divine beings who came here for this purpose and this time.
This week I was given the green light for this new phase. As with everything, we find out more by moving into it. So we have arrived at our most recent phase where nothing is holding us back, nothing is stopping us, we can now move ahead into our creations. Say goodbye to what was as we embrace the new.
Your message resonates on so many levels. First of all, I love the photograph of the energies streaming in! That’s what it feels like too sometimes. Wow. And yes, it’s seems more than ever like there are two worlds, or realities, happening simultaneously. I can barely relate with the one I see on the news (when I watch it which is not often these days). I feel the same about the movies out there. Will have to check out the “One Royal Christmas”! And again, the message of the unified field where we discover our oneness with all. The heart is opening and love is being seen and experienced as this “streaming energy”. Thank you so much for our chat last week. It was everything I needed right then and more.
Blessings overflowing.