The Stairway to Somewhere

I think I mentioned in a past post that as a teenager I repeatedly saw a stairway leading up into the sky. I even dreamed about it. When I went up the stairs they ended, and I always wondered at that time what this was about. Why was I seeing a stairway leading to nowhere? Well, now when I look at those same stairs. I am at the top and there is a a beautiful bridge into the new. I spend a lot of time across the bridge by choice, and lately I am finding I am just there in that new space. It’s peaceful, it’s fluid, and we are able to create effortlessly there. It is a conscious choice to be there, and you can experiment with that for yourself. What happens when you choose and allow yourself to be in that space? Once we have released enough of our density, we can access it. This is the New Earth we are creating.

For example, when I went grocery shopping last Monday, I noticed everyone else was a million miles away. I was in my own space, my own frequency. That’s the first time I’ve noticed that in such an extreme way while shopping. Usually I drop into the frequency of the store. It felt quite different to have everyone else so far away, but this is showing us the worlds are separating now, as people align with the frequency they’re choosing. A friend just shared that she had a similar experience. So we are hanging out and operating in the new frequencies now, and you may notice that because of that people sometimes don’t notice you or look at you. By the way, when I’m driving or riding my bike, I always make sure I am visible by being in the space that I am in on the road. I also put energy buffers around me. These are like rubber baby buggy bumpers made of light. We definitely want people seeing us when we’re on the road.

We are creating material things from the creative ethers around us, using our creative power.

Pay attention now to the way your thoughts are taking shape. If you have a non-positive thought, cancel it as soon as you notice so it doesn’t get created. Because we are creating in all kinds of ways, and it’s important to create things that you want and enjoy. We are creating material things from the creative ethers around us, using our creative power. As we practice these powers, we will grow them. This is part of our personal magic, which is being returned to us as we ascend into higher frequencies. And while I say “returned to us,” we are actually realizing and remembering that we have this magic. We have this ability.

Another friend recently had an old belief surface, one that kept her tethered to duality. It popped out, she saw it, and it released. Later she commented that her mind was so calm, and it felt good. She was enjoying how calm she felt with that belief gone. We can all do that, notice the beliefs we operate by. Write the belief down, look at it, see if it is supportive of your new Self. If it’s not, rewrite it so that it is. Just becoming aware of it is huge. We want to know the rules we’re operating by.

We’re feeling big waves of Love coming in the last few days, filled with peace and joy and happiness.

We’re feeling big waves of Love coming in the last few days, filled with peace and joy and happiness. It looks like these are melting away some of the 3D formations. This is helping everyone to evolve.

I’m happy to find out the stairway I saw as a teen now goes somewhere. At that time I wanted to be in a world of peace and unity, but I had no idea where to find it. Now I know. Now we all know, and once we choose to be there, we create it, for ourselves and for everyone else who wishes to choose a new way of being.

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