Here we are at the Solstice, in the midst of much change. We’re seeing, we’re sensing, we’re feeling, and we’re witnessing how much is taking place to move us out of our old familiar world. We’re deep in the process that we have worked on for so long, and we’re now seeing results. We’re seeing the new take shape. The very slow pace is picking up, and some of this is going to be breathtaking.
Tuesday night as I was working on something there was a click (like a knob changing the channel on old TV sets) and at that moment we moved into yet another reality. It’s the first time I have HEARD and SEEN it happen. Usually I just feel and sense it. Little by little we are making our way into our heaven on earth. With this shift, I could see that everything in my living room looked different and I was just taking it in. I was going to make some notes but after looking at everything it was a part of the new me. Part of being moved into this higher frequency is being there, and it is now the way things are. Thus there was nothing to make notes about. I did momentarily wonder how long I would be in that space, but when I got up in the morning I realized this was my new space. And it’s been quite enjoyable, with many wonderful things happening, as we discover we are the light of the new world. This Heaven on Earth is our creation.

I have felt frequency shifts before, but prior to this I mainly noticed changes inside me, with my emotional and spiritual and physical makeup. This time, I saw the change outside of me, in my environment. It felt expansive and I FELT like I was dancing around checking everything out.
So we’ve all shifted, and we will continue shifting, because the process is taking place.
The next day was partly sunny and in the low 50s. On my bike ride, I noticed the air was crystalline, which I’ve only seen a few times before. I began breathing it in, which was a beautiful, enlivening experience. When you’re outside, you can picture this for yourself—that the air is now crystalline, and you can breathe it into YOU. Take a few deep breaths and see how it feels. This is the environment we’ve been creating. This is our New Earth coming into being. It’s exciting to see it, from the structured geometry to the creative potential, which is available to all as they open their hearts and practice being in their hearts instead of just in their heads.
So… a little more about Love. A friend of mine had a beautiful experience. She told me not so long ago that her mother never told her she loved her, even tho my friend tells her every time they talk. Just recently, they were talking on the phone, and as they said goodbye, for the first time her mother said, “I love you too.” My friend was surprised and elated to hear the words that she has long wanted to hear. She said she knows her mother loves her, but hearing it is so important. Those simple words can do so much.
Some one else I know recently wrote to his mother, who is in the process of dying, to tell her how much he loves her and how important she has been to him. He is not able to see her now due to the situation with the virus. He also wrote a letter to his father. When he called his mother, she said, thank you for the card. And that was all. When he talked to his father, his father said, “thank you so much for that letter. Your mother was deeply moved.” I think we don’t realize how important it is to share our love, and to share it freely and often, as much as we can. The more the better, and right now is a good time.
It’s so common for people not to use the word love. Many have learned to be leery of it, and yet it is such a healing word, when spoken from the heart, with no conditions. I love you. And you don’t have to do anything to have that love. It is unconditional.
Who do you want to hear that from? Who can you share it with? Your family? Your children? Your parents? Your friends? If you aren’t sharing it, do you think you could start? What holds you back? Even my cat loves to hear those words, and he makes the sweetest sounds in response. I love hearing the little sounds he makes.

Our new world is made of Love. In our new world, we are surrounded by Love. We connect thru Love. Love is the very fabric, the essence of the new. It’s the construction material. It’s the air we breathe. And when we are in that space, we experience the magic. We use our power to create experiences we enjoy. We live in a new way. We relate to others in a new way. No one is afraid to say love and share their Love and affection and support. In this environment we thrive, we feel happiness, we feel supported. We discover the truth of who we are. And anyone can choose this, by choosing Love. And when we’re in that space, we can hear what makes the other person happy. And we can share our true Self.
So here we are connecting with our New Earth in a way that we never connected with the old one, and we will realize her beauty in a new way, we will realize her sovereignty, and that it is important to honor her and treat her with respect. Our relationship with the New Earth will be different. We won’t use her, we will Love her and have great appreciation for all that is made possible by her being. And while much has been behind the scenes or in energy form in our evolution so far, we are now at the point where it’s clicking into physicality and we will be able to see the changes. I am excited to be creating this with you.
i have felt so much LOVE and GRATITUDE lately for a life i often felt ‘miserable’ in…the New Earth is here….we are ‘new’…or at least ‘new-er’!!! ha ha
For sure, Su. We are feeling the love and gratitude so strongly now. And it changes our perspective, and our environment too! Thanks for sharing.
I have felt this growing sense of love in myself and in my relationships lately and it’s beginning to feel like the new normal. It feels wonderful! It’s what everything is made of and how could I not have noticed it before. In some of my meditations I have been focusing on the breath as the mother Mary breathing me, breathing her love in and through me. It feels that this what is happening in the shift, we are being breathed by love. This is what I sense too from your message. Thank you so much.
Yes, the new normal. It becomes what we want, what we choose, what we expect. We do not want that old not-enough anymore, for sure. And I’ve also experienced that great feeling of being “breathed” while in meditation, where the alignment becomes seamless and you can no longer tell who is doing the breathing. And so much love is flowing into us as we open up to this new being that we have become.