This last week, there was an opportunity to see a rare conjunction in the sky as Jupiter and Saturn came close, at least from our perspective here on earth. This has not been visible in the night sky in about 800 years, and we won’t see it again for 60 more years.
It created what is called the Christmas star, as it happened close to Christmas, and it’s theorized this is what happened 2000 some years ago to create the star of Bethlehem. My sighting was after dark on the 23rd, when our skies finally cleared. How interesting to see this conjunction taking place now, with the return of Christ consciousness creating our new way of being at this time. We’re bringing love and healing and peace and harmony back into our lives, and we had a beautiful sight in the night sky to show us how real this is.
Earlier on the same day that I saw Jupiter and Saturn come together, I got a message as I was riding my bike: This is the time of the New Sun. It was short and sweet, yet I felt the resonance in my body, because a gateway had opened and made everything new once again. Each gateway is a transition. Each opening takes us further out of the old and further into the new. Many of us are opening these gateways. It’s s slow but steady process whereby we can adjust to each incremental shift and make it part of who we are. Each gateway creates more of our new Self.

This is the time of the New Sun. Can you feel it? Take a moment to close your eyes and say that out loud. Feel the resonance within you. Feel the energy of it open your heart and move thru you. Feel it integrate within you. Feel yourself becoming a part of this New Sun.
Our life-giving, essence-infusing sun has become diamond white, brilliantly shining and streaming its powerful energy to and into us. It used to be so yellow, and I first noticed it begin to change in 1987, the year of the Harmonic Convergence. This past year, it’s become brilliant, eye-dazzingly white. We used to draw a yellow sun as children. A friend just told me her young daughter now leaves the sun white in her drawings. Sounds like we need a new sparkly white crayon.
We’re in this dazzling new light, evolving more rapidly now. Every bit of us is changing, and we’re now seeing those who aren’t aware of this evolution also changing. They’re seeing new things, they’re feeling new things, they’re saying new things. They’re also losing track of time. In connection with all this change as our bodies work to release and expand and become new, you can feel pain especially on the right side of the body as much release is happening there of the old patriarchal energies. Some are having headaches, and you may fall into sleep during the day to integrate these strong energies. We are learning how to be and do in new ways, with our divine feminine. The divine feminine is power personified. She is the supreme creator, thus the creative energies are now available to us. We think, we create, from the wisdom and knowing of our heart centers. We use our heads, but our old thought patterns are no longer in charge. Be willing to step out of those old patterns.

The divine masculine and feminine work in tandem, with the feminine taking the lead. The feminine energy in the old world meant helping and doing for others. It meant self-sacrifice. It meant being stoic and hiding our true feelings. We’re complete with that. We’re centered in our neutrality now, embracing our divine feminine and using this newfound power to shake things up. Infused with the new light, we are remaking the world. Each one of us is doing this, and each is important to the whole.
We all learned how to operate in the old world using our out-of-balance 3D masculine energy. Be strong, don’t cry, push for what you want. Overpower others. Strive. Don’t show your vulnerability. Don’t share love. This is what we are changing, each of us, little by little, by embracing every part of this in our own being and in our own action. We are looking at it and deciding to let it go. We are feeling the new power, the new creative ability, and we are admitting this to ourselves. Yes, I am able to create what I need. No, I don’t need to drop back into manipulation or control or being a victim. My creator Self is my own divinity rising up and shining its gorgeous light as I Source the energy of the New Sun from within. I align myself with the new time as I switch to the new timeline. I honor myself as a sovereign being moving into unity with all other sovereign beings.
We hold this awesome level of power inside us in an incredibly tender yet no-nonsense way. We’re vulnerable, but we have strong boundaries. We are able to say what we need. We are able to draw a line. We become able to live in a new way. As we say no to what was, we are able to embrace what is here for us NOW, in the unfolding non-temporal moment of our personal emergence.
Much of our power comes from no longer being afraid. We assess, we evaluate, and we create, based on looking at truth, the truth that we feel inside of us. Fear is disempowering and low-vibrational, it keeps someone in limitation. In the new frequencies, we move beyond limitation. We envision new scenarios, new situations. We use our building blocks of Love. In every moment we are choosing the things we want to have in our world. And if we don’t have the power to create all of it yet, we create as much as we can. The more we practice creating, the better we get at it, and the more we find ourselves in the world of our own making, the world we are choosing, the land of our visions and dreams, our New Earth, the time of the New Sun.