Happy New Year! Here we are moving into the traditional potential of new beginnings and fresh starts. We are also moving into the New Earth that we are creating all around us. We saw so much end in 2020, even on the last day of the year, and some of it may have been things in your own life that were surprising to you. But we continue to see things rising to the surface so that we can choose what we want to do and how we want to be.
We are being blasted with very high energy vibes this weekend, full of happiness, and quite uplifting (even if the ears are ringing loudly), and the message coming thru is keep your eye on the prize. The prize is aligning with our truth and sovereignty, and moving into unity so that we can live beyond struggle. The second message is do not be distracted. There are many distractions at play now, in this past year especially, designed to knock us off course and focus on things other than creation and heart-based action. While certain entities have been creating division and fear, many of us have been able to maintain our focus and keep moving into the new that we are creating. We have been able to expand this space and make it even more accessible. Again, it is all about choice. It’s about saying, yes, I am ready to open my heart and live in a new way. I am ready to be my true Self.

By maintaining our focus, we move collectively even further into this new space and it becomes even more solid, ever more real. There is within us a collective resonance that is unstoppable, for those of us who have heard it and heeded it and relentlessly pursued it no matter what. For those who have the light awakened within their own solar (soul-ar) center, within their own heart, the knowing is unmistakable. Even if we don’t have all the answers, we know the unquestionable direction, which is framed in truth and harmony and balance and leads us into the New Earth that shimmers with indescribable radiance.
This radiance is reflected to us in the sun now, triggering our awakening and remembering even further.
Our journey is not without stress, especially the stress of being misunderstood, often by those closest to us. We have suffered attacks as we have trusted our guidance enough to open our hearts. We have heard this light, we have been touched by it, we have been moved by it. We have connected to it. And we have been down a hard road to arrive at this point. We have lost jobs, we have lost friends, we have had people tell us they don’t understand our choices. Yet this point we have reached is now providing so much incentive. We can feel it strongly within us. This is an experience unlike any we have ever had. It is more real than anything we have even been thru. And the love and joy that shine thru at times is like the sun breaking thru the clouds after a storm.

We have just entered a 5 year (2+0+2+1). 5 brings us into balance and harmony and it is important to balance the spiritual and material world. This is our opportunity now: we bring the beautiful aspects of the New Earth into physicality. They become our reality. We live surrounded by peace, harmony, unity and love. 5 is about embracing change. We are letting go of the old familiar world in order to experience a new one, a new one that supports us and nurtures us and expresses thru heart-centered connection. Our thoughts and actions and language are based on the frequency of Love.
A friend of mine was just here, and when she got out of her car she said, “Oh, the air, it’s so fresh, I just want to breathe it in.” The ocean air is fresh, full of life-sustaining negative ions. This is what it feels like to connect with Love. We just want to breathe it in, to fill our being with it. It is so fresh, it is so pure. It is so restorative.
5 also is about the marriage of Heaven and Earth. It is about us creating our Heaven on Earth, using our own divinity and our power of creation. It is about moving out of polarity and into unity, as we align with others and give up the struggle. 5 is about change, and we can embrace the changes that are coming our way in this new time.
Finally, this year is about knowing that magic is real. Magic is one of our powers—and remember, magic has the same root word as imagination, and in an ancient language the root word magi referred to “the place of god.” We are the magicians, the ones connecting with our divinity to create our Heaven here. The power has been restored as it was meant to be, and we have embraced and embodied it.