New Earth Stories

I want to share a story from a session I did with someone this week. She was asking about money, and when it might arrive, being in the same situation as many are now, without as many financial resources as they had before the situation created by the virus. She received some information about clearing a bit more old programming, and then a message came thru that she needed to call in the magic in her life. Sometimes she does, but other times she goes into worrying about things. The moment she got that message, she unconsciously took the edges of the sweater she was wearing with her hands, and suddenly pulled back the left side. On her T-shirt was the word Cash.

It was completely unexpected. I was so surprised I laughed and when she realized what she’d done, she did too. Turns out, her T-shirt said Johnny Cash, but because she only pulled back her sweater on one side, all I got to see was Cash. The magic had presented very quickly the moment she opened to it, to show her that it’s available. It’s available now to all who are willing to release the old and open to it. And it’s lovely when it brings the element of surprise, which it generally does. It carries a beautiful energy of light and it’s also powerful. We know when we’ve encountered it. It catches us by surprise and it often delights us. It carries truth with it too. We can feel the resonance of that truth, in our heart and in our knowing. And by the way, she let me know the next day that she received an unexpected cash gift. It came right after she called in the magic.

When magic appears, it often brings the element of surprise.

Are you remembering to invite the magic in? Are you realizing that magic is just one part of your power? It’s just one part of the new experience. We have to practice, we have to use the gifts in order to see how they work.

Truth comes in many forms: magic is just one form. We are now poised to see more truth than we’ve ever seen, as the energy of not-truth is no longer supported. These new very intense, high frequencies are bringing truth out everywhere. I had a recent dream in which I saw that people who were not telling the truth, fell over. They could no longer stand. Those who were in their truth were fine. This is about the collapse of the old system and all the ways it has not been truthful, all the ways it has taken advantage. This is what we will be seeing.

This moment is upon us, where we will be seeing truth. It will be surprising, because we have become so used to not-truth. But seeing the truth and opening to it allows each of us to begin anew, to live in a new way, to embrace who we are without all the limitations that were imposed on us. We can begin again with the divine template that is available to all of us once we release the old patterns and protocols, once we open our hearts, once we are willing to connect with our own essence.

We are now aligning with our true humanity and our true divinity. We are fully self-contained. We are whole. We are balanced and harmonized. We are cosmic forces, moving into our full ability to now create change and to build our new experience.

We are cosmic forces, moving into our full ability to now create change and to build our new experience.

We are going to have so many new and unexplainable things happen. In my own world, there have been funny and unexpected things this past week. My cat, who I’ve had for several years, has been evolving very quickly in recent weeks. He is completely telepathic now, hearing what I say and sending me messages as well. Monday a repairman came to do a small repair at my house. The cat was asleep on the bed, and I went to let him know the person was coming, as he’s not very social. “FYI,” I said, “there’s someone coming to fix something. You don’t need to freak out.” Normally he would run out of the house thru his cat door. But this time he didn’t, and when I checked on him about 10 minutes later, he had simply moved to his hiding spot in the guest room. And then yesterday, when I looked at a funny picture on my phone, before I could laugh, he laughed. He has never made a sound like that ever, yet it was distinct. It was a distinctive “Ha ha,” cat-style. Not an easy sound for him to make. And then he just looked at me, which made the whole thing even funnier.

So prepare for all kinds of new experiences. We just don’t even know what they will all be, but if we open our hearts and intend the best, we can all move into something beautiful and better than anything we’ve ever experienced before.

We are moving thru a disconnect from the old, and there can be bumps and shakes and rattles and challenges as this takes place. We each need to trust our Self and remember to stay in the power of our heart-centeredness. Hold the space for this new creation that we have been building and dreaming into being. Focus on the light pouring in. Focus on the Love. Be calm. Trust. We are moving into our more unified way of being. We are moving into a world that works for everyone. Release the old happily. This has been a long time coming.

2 thoughts on “New Earth Stories

    • Gayle, thanks for your comment. And this is a different cat who came into my life in 2012. Someone rescued a mother cat with 3 kittens, and this guy was one of the kittens. He was 8 months old when I got him.

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