Moving Out of the Negative

The amount of negativity and fear that has been triggered for release in the collective has been incredibly challenging for everyone. Yet, as we well know, unless it is released, then we are still held in limitation by it. This past week, there’s good news. We’re finally seeing signs of moving beyond it. Especially for those at the forefront of this evolution, we are finally moving beyond the grip of that draining, debilitating emotional trap.

This week I noticed this when I had an experience with a house next door that recently became a vacation rental. The community I live in has a growing number of these properties, which are basically hotels placed in neighborhoods. I had to report a couple problems to the property management company. Afterwards, I had coffee with a friend, and I simply felt no need to share this. In the past I would have, but there was no energy behind it that would have caused me to tell her. It was very interesting to feel this. And to notice I was behaving in a different way. This is how we notice we are evolving, when we become aware of behaving in new ways, and when we notice how different that feels. We are able to deal with issues that arise from the old world, and to maintain our higher frequency as we take care of them. We are able to hold the space we have created and to continue building it.

My friend and I had coffee by the beach, and the moment we arrived, this octopus kite swam up into the sky above us. A perfect symbol for what is taking place, as we all rise higher into the new, out of our familiar world.

Once again we have moved into more refined frequencies and into more freedom. We have moved past the old having a firm grip on us, because we have decided we are finished with so many things.

We’ve had to deal with a lot of heavy energy this last month. The lighter we get, the heavier the old feels. It can be hard to navigate in this heaviness as we remake and remap our worlds.

We’re creating the New Earth with our power, our intention and our inner divinity. We’re creating it with our dream to have a new way of being. We can tell when we are in this energy because everything becomes quieter, calmer and more peaceful. We’re taking in the new streams of lighter, brighter energy.

We’re creating the New Earth with our power, our intention and our inner divinity. We’re creating it with our dream to have a new way of being.

Some of us doing this work have been hit hard by these new energies, which can cause fatigue, fleeting aches and pains, wooziness, feelings of being very cold, and then later, very warm. The plasma energies, the diamond frequencies, the streams of Christ consciousness, we’re embodying all of that as it remakes our physicality, as it forges our newness.

I just did a session with someone who is not doing this work, but she is intuitively tuned in and very attuned to what is happening for her. She was recently hit by a tsunami of grief, accumulated in her lifetime, that began releasing and nearly overwhelmed her. She was guided to reach out for help. She was working hard to be a good citizen and a responsible family member, but because we are evolving into our truth and newness, she needed to let go of her old roles and what anyone would think of her if she began to honor her Self and her soul’s journey. She knew this, she could feel it, and yet she didn’t want to disappoint anyone. In some ways, she just needed permission to move into what was calling to her. To begin to be her true Self. To not worry if she didn’t get everything exactly right, but to simply do her best, whatever her best was on any given day.

We’re all going thru this. We’re all in one phase or another of this process. We’ve been given tools to use to help us create, and we’ve been able to practice using those tools. This past couple of weeks, there were blocks to using these—some definite energetic pushback. I felt it lift about midweek and once again we could create.

Continue moving into the new. The more we do that, the more we establish it as our home. We are poised on the precipice of this immense shift, where we will all at once begin to experience a very new environment, and we will know within what we need to know. Remember, this is why we came, to bring in the new, to make it possible, to move the world into Love, to open each heart to the truth. Our souls have moved into alignment, creating a huge magnetic pull for all who are not there yet.

3 thoughts on “Moving Out of the Negative

  1. I love your very last sentence. “Our souls have moved into alignment, creating a huge magnetic pull for all who are not there yet.” It feels like this magnetic pull that we become when we are aligned with our soul , or the “Heart cave” as Ramana Maharshi put it, speaks so much louder than any words we may say. It is just what’s happening underneath the radar so to speak., and like an undertow of energy, it pulls others along like a wave of Grace.

    • Melinda, that is so beautifully put, pulling others along like a wave of Grace. That is our power once we embody the energy and make it who we are. Thanks for sharing. It’s powerful for us to all be doing this together.

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