Some Days We Just Say Help!

Occasionally we have a day where we just feel we can’t keep doing everything that needs to be done. This week I had a day like that, and maybe you did too. Actually, it wasn’t a whole day, just a few hours where I thought, seriously, I can’t do this anymore. I have seen others come to that space too, and one person whose posts I look at had a day like that this week as well.

On those days we just feel like everything is too challenging. Maybe things aren’t working the way we want them to, maybe there are delays or snafus, and we want to know what’s going on. Our guidance has been assuring us that all is well, but right at that moment it doesn’t feel like it. Basically, this process is not on our timetable, and we’ve had so many delays and bumps in the road. During these moments, we may finally say, to the universe, our guides or whoever we talk to, Help, I can’t do this anymore.

These baby ducks were waiting for mom in the road.

We may feel like these baby ducks: Where’s our mom? What are we supposed to do? What’s going on? We need help. On Friday they were standing in the road waiting. Fortunately the road isn’t too busy, but it’s a road nonetheless. And evidently mom showed up, as they were gone a bit later.

When we have those moments of overwhelm or doubt or not feeling able to do whatever needs to be done, that’s generally when we pop thru into a higher frequency once again, into more potential, into a whole lot more of all the things we are creating. That’s what we’re beginning to see now, just how big that potential is.

It’s like seeing the ocean for the first time, where you try to take in that enormous expanse of water for as far as you can see. It can make you feel tiny and insignificant. A few years ago, my cat at the time followed me one day on the beach path, and when we got to the beach, she took one look, her eyes got huge, and she turned and headed back at a fast clip. She never went out the path again. She had seen the vast expanse and didn’t know what to make of it.

As we see the vast expanse of potential, it is going to ask us to give up our limiting thoughts. We will finally SEE these, the thoughts we have totally subscribed to that no longer apply. We are WAY BIGGER than the limitations we have believed. But we need to see them to know they exist.

Think of the baby who’s been crawling around who finally stands up and takes a few steps, and then there’s no stopping them till they’ve mastered that new level. Everything we are going thru, every bit of our growth and evolution, is carrying us into new, unexplored territory. We are the ones getting to choose. As soon as we find out there’s more, we can move into it.

In these high frequencies, we know more, we can see more, we can feel more, we can sense more. And we’re finding out how much is possible.

And now is the time. The door has been opened. I’m seeing all kinds of people beginning to share their experiences. Everyone is being impacted by this energy, in one way or another. For some it’s subtle, for some it’s more obvious.

We are seeing the seeds we’ve planted begin to grow. There’s something I’ve been talking about in my community for the last 3 or 4 years, but I didn’t find anyone who felt the same. About a week ago a woman I see on my bike rides came up and said she had an idea. And then she said my exact words to me. It’s now her idea. It was awesome to hear that this seed has taken root. Lots of people are going to start creating good things.

We are getting glimpses of the expansion. These glimpses may be extremely brief and you may wonder what you just saw or felt or sensed. You will have a sense it was something wonderful or beautiful. We are seeing into what is coming, into what is being created by us as we step into our divinity and our power. We are powerful beings, and we still don’t recognize how powerful we are, and what we are capable of creating once we begin.

Sit and meditate and as your thoughts quiet, see what pops into that quiet space. It’s when we make a space for the new to arrive that it can. Remember, we’re all creators moving into the potential. We’re all discovering what’s possible. The walls of the old are coming down, moving us into freedom. This is our world we’re creating, a happy, supportive, expanded version of the world we have known. We’re each tapping into our own magic and our own ability to create something in this new potential.

Fortunately the moments where we feel we can’t do it are fleeting. We move into a more expanded space and we have a new experience. We move past more of our own limitation. We’re doing this every day now.

Here’s what happened to me when I had a moment of doubt this week. I found myself getting angry with something I wanted to change. I was home by myself in my kitchen, and I expressed my anger and what I was doing about it, how I was changing the situation that was not OK with me. I used the powers we have to override what is not OK. Then I turned around and saw that the clock on the stove said 10:55. However, it was really only 8:12. Evidently we’d had a power blip while I was on out on my bike. Those always disrupt the time shown on the clock. I went to look up the meaning of 10:55. “It pulls a great force and represents freedom. It is always positive.” That was such a beautiful confirmation that I had just used my power in a productive way, by channeling some anger into a new creation.

We’re being supported, even when we think we’re not. We’re being helped, we’re being guided. And we are making our way one step at a time into the new.

As I tuned into the diamond consciousness, I looked up to see a diamond of light reflected on my wall.

As I was writing this, I tuned into the diamond consciousness, the consciousness of New Earth. And when I glanced up, right at that moment I noticed a diamond shape on my wall created by sunlight reflected by a car that had pulled into the neighbor’s driveway. It’s so interesting and surprising how all of this works, and how it is unfolding, how it is showing us exactly what is taking place. We are part of a massive and amazing magical evolution, and there are so many ways we are seeing this.

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