What is taking place now in very subtle ways is amazing. Actually, some of it is not so subtle. So if we are paying attention and not being distracted by all the uproar and idiocy and non-supportive stuff out there, we can notice. The new is sending its runners into our world. These are taking root, and we are seeing the results of all this beautiful new growth.
At the same time, we are still having to interact with the old malarkey, the ridiculous rules and other time wasters. In many ways we are still connected to and dependent on the old, but it is giving way. We are seeing legions of people getting onboard to create the new scenarios in all kinds of ways, all using their unique artistry and personal gifts. One of my friends just sculpted a dragon of clay, and when she named him he came to life. He’s been contributing his magnificent energy to what we are creating, as the dragons are such powerful creators and visioners. They are masters working with us in the unified field.

In this time of shifting from old to new, we’re seeing the manipulations and non-truths being put out by some to confuse and control, but we are also experiencing the incredible love flowing in from the new. The Red Sea is parting, we can cross. The other night when I went to bed I saw a bright flash of light from above, then was shown the Red Sea parting to create a pathway. A voice said, walk across. My first thought was, I don’t want to go alone. But that’s what was asked. The minute I started to walk, others joined, and there were many, all moving into freedom beyond the limited world we have known. We are bidding farewell to the small self, bringing in what I call the big S Self. I said this in a class a while back, and a couple people thought I said something else. We have laughed quite a bit about that.
So this is where we are now, with our big S Self making the choice to move into freedom. Our Self can only choose freedom. Anything else is containment and unhappiness. It is time to move into the fullness and wholeness of who we are: to be the divinely inspired beings that we know we are. How can you make that choice? What are you being shown? We are making choices that support our health and wellbeing as well as our ascension and embodiment process. Above all we are choosing Love as we move into the unlimited potential that awaits us.
Yet the road is long and sometimes frustrating when we encounter hurdles, when we encounter those who withhold Love or who hold back from moving into their beauty and truth. There are some who have not yet opened themselves up to take in this massive bounty of light we are being blessed with.
The song that popped in today was Bob Marley, “Every Little Thing Gonna Be Alright.”
Don’t you worry, about a thing.
Every little thing gonna be alright.
Worry is often our go-to, so it’s a good reminder to remember that as we embody our true power, our innate divinity, we are creating the world we want to live in. And we are a force to be reckoned with. As we come together in the unified field, in the high (and at times intense) frequencies that are available right now, there is no stopping us. We represent truth, we require truth. We stand in the light and emit light. We see what is taking place. We know what is coming. We feel it in the framework of our evolving being.

Our knowing is our ever-guiding force. It is what we align with. Once we awaken this knowing, this inner wisdom, and tune into it, it is there, moving us past doubt or fear. We have so many tools, this is just one. We have our ability to see and feel truth, to connect with beings beyond the physical realm, to hear messages, to receive guidance, and to create. Many of us are one-man bands right now, working with all of this as we bring in our new experience and perspective. But as we move ever further into unity, we will be connecting with others who are on this same path. We will be creating with them and feeling the power that we generate when we work together.