One of the most powerful things we can do as we go thru this process of moving into our truth and power is to remember our magic. In fact, it may be THE most powerful thing. Once we realize that we are not limited by the 3D world that we grew up in, we enter the potential, where we begin creating. We have to challenge the old beliefs, we actually have to say “I don’t believe that now” about all those crazy things we were taught. The list is long—for instance, that life is hard, that we have to struggle, that we have to sacrifice who we are, that we can’t express what we really feel, and on and on. I’m sure you have your own list.
As a child, my first lessons came from my nonphysical guides: we can use our power, we don’t have to worry, we are here to be supported and protected. These of course went counter to what my family and teachers told me. But I believed it, because I could feel the resonance of truth.
One of the biggest things I have known in my innate knowing is that creation comes from joy, from happiness. There was an idea that many had that art comes from suffering, and if you’re not suffering, you can’t create. But again, this is simply not true. Creation comes from our connection with our divinity, and when we deeply listen to this voice, this wisdom, everything comes thru us. We create very naturally. We create beauty and joy.

So one of our jobs is to remember our magic, to remember that we are magical, and that our world is magical. We allow this magic to show up, and it shows up in so many ways. We listen to the guidance that is expressing naturally thru us.
Many have learned to override this thru thinking. They feel like they should do one thing, but they decide to do something else. We want to go with our feelings, which are based on our heart center activity and knowing. Our heart center is always communicating with us, letting us know what makes us happy and guiding us into what we love to do. It speaks to us of our soul desires, what we came here to do. The more we listen, the more our frequency increases, the more light we hold, and the more aligned we become. Make this your intention: I will follow my guidance and intuition. This increases your power.
We remember our magic by making some space for it, by relaxing all the pressure we put on ourselves to be and do a certain way. This magic is waiting to be expressed, in our unique way, thru our unique vision.

We are in the realm of potential, and our magic is waiting. Let’s start creating. Our whole new world is here.
I’ve been working with the dragons lately, and they have a message. Imagine a door in front of you. Open it and walk thru. That door opens up into our new world, the world that is here now for you to begin to live in. We can live in the worlds we are creating with our new thoughts, and in this powerful process you will become aware of truth, especially the truth that is coming to us now. Open yourself to this truth. Be willing to set aside any of your limiting thoughts, your small thoughts about anyone or anything, in order to embrace this huge new world and this huge new possibility. Any thought of limitation for another creates limitation for you. Let it all go. We love you and we are here with you, singing our joyful songs. If you want to hear us, just ask, we will sing to you. We sing to all, this is one of the ways we create. We are all coming together in unity. In unity we are sovereign and free, and we speak from our hearts, from our joy, from our wholeness, from our divine beauty. Come and share and create. Share your beauty and wisdom, share your knowing, share your happiness. Release the one you have been, this is the new You now. Come join us in truth, in Love, in magical creation. Let our songs be sung, let our words ring, let our joy be felt, let our magic be seen and felt by all. Let our New Earth become our beautiful new world. Let it surround us. Let the power of our dreaming go out far and wide. We invite all into the beauty of this experience. We invite all to join us in the powerful moment of now.
We offer this song.
Remember your magic
Remember your power
As we sing to you
In this magical hour
Open your heart
As the sun sends its beams
The dawn of creation
Spills from our dreams
Love is the path
Love is the way
We all join as one
On this magical day
Thank you! This is so beautiful and rings so true in my heart. I needed to hear this.
Thank you for letting me know. They always tell me the messages are what is needed to be heard. So I appreciate your feedback. Much love to you.
Love this! I would love a recommendation for a mantra during morning meditation. Trying to exorcise the anxiety and anger for what is happening in this current dimensional reality and create some internal peace.
Lisa, this is definitely a challenge and so much is being triggered now, everything that we’ve internalized that is no longer serving us. I just did a session with someone related to anxiety and the guidance was to allow it to release. It can be uncomfortable but it’s helpful to say, this is anxiety, this is anger, and don’t attach to it It’s also very helpful to move your focus to something like the birds or other animals that you can observe. Connect with nature. Put your bare feet on the ground. Remind yourself that this is just a passage in our evolution into wholeness. So, a mantra:I allow my highest Self to emerge. I allow the beauty of who I am to show. I am willing to Love myself. I am willing to give up my judgment and move into allowance of all that is. I am safe.