How amazing can it get? How surprising? I just went out to water the flowers on my front porch. My cat was dozing and he stood up and stretched. I stood in front of the railing and thought, I wonder where the hummingbird is. She likes these flowers. And literally a minute later, hummingbird flew right up in front of my face, only two feet away, and said, here I am. And then flew off to do whatever she was doing when I thought of her. Seriously, I was so surprised, even tho that is how we are being shown that it works.
It’s all about the magic. The magic is fully operational in our New Earth. We are experiencing the unified field. New vistas are opening as well, and we continue to move into newer, more expansive territory. Many are now focused on creating good, on creating what works for all, and while there are still those working to limit and suppress, they are slowly losing ground. They’ve got their finger in the dike, not realizing most of the dike is gone. Everything is evolving, thru the light, thru each one of us, thru all of us who are dedicated to doing the work. We came here as a powerful force of light workers and world evolvers, and our resolve is unmatched. We’re creating the magic and stepping into it. We’re seeing it and experiencing it. And we’re making it happen.
We’re professionals. We hold lifetimes of training within. We came to undo and rebuild, thru Love. We came to lift up and inspire. We came to heal and make whole. Even by just holding the light, we are enlivening the old as it transforms, as it goes thru the push/pull/prodding process of evolution. We can stay in the struggle or step into the flow.

Our voices have been activated. We may find ourselves saying things to bring out the truth, perhaps just asking a simple question that makes someone pause and consider. The doors are open. The invitation stands. There is no judgment. All have a choice.
We’re dealing with increasingly powerful energies. My diet is now loaded with fruits, as they seem to be the lightest and most easily assimilated. As our bodies evolve, they want lighter and lighter food. We’re each guided in this process, and we may discover there are things we can no longer eat. It’s a natural process, we don’t have to force it, it’s happening on its own, thru our body’s wisdom. We can tap into all the knowing and feeling and messaging that we have access to. It’s definitely guiding us.

We are seeing great divides right now as people choose sides, and sometimes, as much as you might want to talk about fun, interesting things, some that we run into want to talk about problematic things, the challenging news that we’ve all made our choices about. We’re all choosing based on our own research. There are some who want to make others wrong for their choices, and it seems the gap is widening now. I ran into someone this week who wanted to point fingers and place blame. But there is nothing to gain from making others wrong. We each get to choose. And especially, once we are anchored in our freedom and sovereignty, we see how important this is. We choose for our own highest and best good, because every choice that we make in this way amplifies our ascension and anchors us even more firmly in our power and divinity. Our only choice is what is based on Love. When fear is used to convey “news,” then there is no resonance of truth, and there is no frequency match. Our new ascending being resonates only with truth, and we become able to feel this truth or lack of it in everything and everyone.
We hold our frequency, we expand it, we hold our boundaries, and we trust and know that powerful things are taking place on multiple levels. We continue creating. There will be many surprises in the coming days and weeks. We know already the beauty of our divine power, and we will see this expressed in new ways. We will see others finally moving into their true power as well, moving beyond what they had accepted as limitation, what they had believed was real. We stand firm in our space, all while allowing each to evolve.
We are stepping thru portals into the new and having experiences that shimmer and glow and reverberate with happiness. These lift us even high and show us what is possible, what is coming, and how powerful the work we are doing is. These real-time now moments are happening now when we follow our intuitive guidance, when we don’t question the nudges that lead us into opportunity. The New Earth is here. We’ve created it within us and it is now available as a real-world experience. This is what we came for. This is what we’ve waited to be in. And it will continue to expand as our inherent power and unified community grow. The force is definitely with us.
I love the part about not having to make others wrong about their choices. Each of us operates from our own place in evolution and we cannot fault someone for their path choices. It’s freeing. Great message. Thank you.
Very well put. And it is freeing. It lets us go do something we might actually enjoy. Thanks for sharing!