For the last few days I am feeling a release from what was. We have worked hard to clear our past and to open pathways into the new, and we have held this new energy with all the power of our being. It feels like we are now being released from the role of holding these pathways open. In other words, we can now move into the new and allow others to make their way when they are ready. The pathway is there, it is illuminated. It may take them an hour or a week or a year, but we are moving ahead. We now move into the construction of our new spaces and worlds. We have consciously waited and held the space for those who are headed this way, but they are now going to be doing this work on their own. We have to move into making the new space where we live. We are having this experience now, and you may be noticing this in your own comings and goings and what is taking place around you.
We are definitely now noticing the difference between us and others. Our experience of what is taking place is very different. This has been an ongoing evolution and it is now very pronounced. We are finding we no longer want to take part in things that are defined thru limitation. Our taste of freedom has been divine. Once we begin to live in freedom, we want nothing to do with limitation. Everything that we are experiencing—the beauty, the peace, the serenity, the happiness, the contentment—means there is very little for us in the old world. We simply can no longer relate. We’ve been hanging out in the light for so long that the shadows no longer appeal. We have more clarity, we can see solutions. It can be problematic to interact with those still caught in the old patterns and systems, especially when they feel small or fearful or threatened by anything that is taking place. Our new spaces are defined by expansion, equanimity, harmony, balance, co-creation, respect and love. We have cleared much of the denser stuff that used to define us and we are standing tall in the potential of our New Earth.

It is powerful to see these old timelines completing and dissolving. Even those who are unaware of what is taking place are having experiences of this as these massive energies move into our being and into our awareness. The gig is up. Watch the ways this plays out now.
So we are moving to the next level of this process, and being welcomed by the beings that can now interact with us because of our higher frequency and more expanded consciousness. In a dream I met up with a friendly alligator who had information to share. It was a beautiful bright green color, and I said I would interact soon. I needed a moment to be with the idea I have that they are dangerous. Always check in with your own guidance. We are processing all our old beliefs and finding so much of what we learned is not true. The message of alligator/crocodile is “They are not easily fooled and bring a lesson of patience, particularly during new beginnings.” So as we are creating our New Earth, we want to do so from our sovereignty, our authenticity, our clarity, our knowing. We’re patient, but steadfast. Our lives are all about change, releasing who we were—the old self of 3D—in order to be the ever-evolving new self: our divine creator Self. And even tho we may want to shout this from the rooftops, certain ones will not be able to hear us. We move along.
When we drop down into negative thinking, we want to pull ourselves up the moment we realize what is taking place. With our awareness, we can quickly shift direction and move into the heart, sending that heart awareness out into our world to impact what is taking place. Each of us needs to be in charge of this for ourselves.
So here we are in the midst of powerful energies creating our new world. We create from the divinity that we have embodied.

As we move into the new, we are given more access to what is available there. One of the beautiful things I have recently discovered is the healing/creation rays. To me these look like lines of light, each a different color, one on top of the other, glowing colors, like a rainbow, but aligned horizontally. We can ask to link up to these for specific things. For instance, we can ask to hook up to the ray that creates pain relief, or that creates relaxation, or that helps with sleep. On the nights when the energy is high and it’s challenging to sleep, if I hook up to the ray that helps with sleep, I am asleep in a minute. As you hook up to each ray, you see the color and where it is located on the spectrum. We can access these once our frequency is high enough that we can see or sense or feel them. And of course, believe in them. We have access to so much healing and creation energy that is supportive of who we are.
Many are reporting anxiety and feeling antsy. Cell salts are helpful. So is lemon balm tea. And hook up to the healing ray that can help with that.
There is much we are moving into that expands our potential and power, and we continue to learn and experience more.
If you would like additional help with your process, I am available for sessions. Please email me to set that up. There is new information coming thru in these sessions.