Creating Community on New Earth

During a session with someone this past week, some information came thru that I want to share with all who are interested in creating community on New Earth. This person had questions about how to create new scenarios in her own community, a small tourist town that has become very busy with tourism in recent years. So this information came thru with specific help for her town, but I saw that there was much that could be helpful to all of us involved in this work. We can use our own power plus ask for assistance from the higher realms to create for the highest good for all. This is not about just our own interests, it is about creating the new scenarios that we are all moving into. We are creating harmony, balance, peace, awareness, respect, support and caring. Our new communities are heart-based. While the focus of the past hundreds of years has been on making money, now we shift to crystalline consciousness and co-creative endeavors.

To create our new communities, first, of course, begin with your intention. What are you thinking, and what are you putting out there? Is your community facing problems that you want to help solve? We begin with us. It’s so important what we are thinking. Are we thinking, Help, this community is inundated with tourists!? If so, we can change that to: This community is vibrant and alive, and it is supported to be the best that it can be. We want to make sure we are not putting out a negative intention like, oh, gosh, I bet the traffic will be horrible today. Instead, change it to: the traffic will flow easily and I will get to where I am going with no issues. I am a part of the flow. I am a part of the new.

Thus we begin with our own power as creators. We are no longer passive bystanders feeling frustrated by things that feel out of our control.

We begin with our own power as creators.

Next, we can create a vision for our community and share it with others and ask them to also create a vision. Perhaps begin with a friend or two, and then begin to expand it to find others who are interested. Think of the most beautiful dream you can come up with for how you want your community to be. There are no limits. Include ample space for the birds and other animals who live around you. Include parks and open spaces. Picture that people are supportive and respectful, and on and on and on. This is your dream. Share your ideas and get ideas from others. Write them down.

Then, either alone or with a friend or two or three, we can ask for beautiful, supportive energy to come into our community. Create your own ceremony. Ask for supportive energy to first clear out the negativity and stuck energy. Observe and watch/feel/sense for this to happen. Allow a few minutes.

Then, ask for the energy to come in and open people’s hearts. Observe and watch/feel/sense for this to happen. Allow a few minutes.

Ask for beautiful gold and sparkly energy to come in and uplift everyone and give them ideas for how they can contribute to the collective. Again, observe and watch/feel/sense for this to happen.

Ask for the rainbow energy to come in and bring happiness. Observe and watch/feel/sense for this to happen.

Ask for the crystalline consciousness to bring light. Observe and watch/feel/sense for this to happen.

Our communities are evolving, just as we are, and we can be a part of that evolution in a positive, co-creative way.

Follow your own guidance with this process. See what shows up for you. Invite in the magic.

And finally, offer your gratitude and appreciation for all the energies that are assisting us in this grand shift.

We’re creating our heaven on Earth.

Remember, we are no longer waiting for someone else to create our new worlds. We are creating them. Each one of us can use our power for good. We don’t have to know the details of how everything will evolve, because we want to allow it all to be even bigger and better than we can dream. But we do want to stop acting like we don’t have the power to create. I am seeing more people than ever wanting to change their communities for the better. One local community recently banned all fireworks in a desire to protect all the native birds and wildlife, as well as resident dogs who are very stressed especially every Fourth of July. Their Fourth was the quietest ever. Another local community is now considering following suit. We are evolving into a new way of being, and energetically we can support that. And together we have the power to create the changes we want to see come into being.

2 thoughts on “Creating Community on New Earth

  1. Thank you Terry for the words of wisdom that helps show us a way to start creating communities. I have been thinking about how to create community so we can be supportive of one another and be inclusive to all. Love your guide lines ❤
    Blessings Gayle

    • Thanks Gayle! Sometimes all we need to do is start, and then some beautiful energy comes in to support what we are doing. Keep me posted.

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