We are being sandblasted by Love. I experienced this the other night and it was intense and definitely no-nonsense. We are moving past all our old programming and opening our hearts to the new experience. This is our new age coming into being, giving us the opportunity to create the world we want to live in, a world unhampered by limitation, negativity and non-supportive energies. We can now choose to move beyond those. It is our choice as sovereign beings. When we embrace the light, we move into our truth, our authenticity and our ability to live as creators.
Let me just say: Hallelujah! This has been a long, long road and a long time coming. We have had the awareness of this for what seems like forever. The knowing is written inside of our beings. This is our operating system, which has often led us to question what we’re seeing on the outside when we clearly know what we are experiencing inside.

A friend just asked me, “How can we make this happen now?” It is happening now. The whole word is in a seismic shift. This is a new experience for us so we don’t know how it will feel, look and play out. And it’s up to each of us to do our part, whatever we feel that is. At the very least, it is holding the energy of the new. Each time we go out into the world, we can say, I am in my new world, I am holding that frequency, I am seeing it be created. Then you can observe what happens when you are out and about. It might feel like you are in enemy territory when you are driving to your destination. But again, we hold the highest frequencies we possibly can. Even when our ears are ringing loudly, we continue to hold and create. And we see newness emerging in so many ways. Even if they are simple, they represent what we are creating. The bicycle group I envisioned has come into being, with 5 people now joining in sometimes on the evening ride. And all I did to create it was think about it. What are you creating?
There is a phrase in the old world, the sky is the limit. But there are no limits on this creation. How big can you dream? Whatever you no longer support, don’t give it your energy or business or time. Focus on your creations. Dream them into being with your powerful creative ability.
This New Earth is ours. We’re making it, we’re tending it, we’re appreciating it, we’re loving it. This is our new home. There are no short-changers here, no users, no takers, no angry folks who have not done their work. And no fear. Once we embrace who we are, once we embody all the newness available to us, we shine our incredible sacred light. We are holy beings, wholly empowered, showing the way.

We all learn as we go. We move from the imperfection of limitation to the unlimited creative potential of our newness. There is no guidebook, save for what is written in our hearts, what is encoded in our being. As the knowing lights up in us, we come into our own, into the awesomeness that awaits. We emerge into our provenance. This is our new beginning. Right now. This is Day 1, Year 1 of soaring into a new realm.
Check your own shininess. Unburden yourself of anything that feels weighty, whether it’s a family heirloom or a problematic idea. What makes you feel free? Move in that direction. Spread your gossamer wings. Sing the songs of angels. Share your new Self. Begin to live your biggest life, the life you came here to live. Breathe in the Love and use it to inspire. Share your joy.
If you were a bird, where would you fly? If you were a lion, how would you roar? If you were a flower, what color would you be? As your new Self, express your beauty, your holiness, your power. Shine your light. Embody all the newness. And create like crazy.

Now is the time. All together, let’s do this. Hand in hand, let’s walk into the new. With our hearts open, let’s connect in the unified field. With our new Selves, let’s build our New Earth and light it up with our dreams. Let’s do it. Are you in?
Yes, yes, yes! I’m in! Thank you for this exciting and inspiring call to be our creative selves and join together 🙂 ! These are exactly the encouraging words I needed today. Much love to you and Cinco!!!
So glad to hear! Much love to you and Ames and all your fur babies.
Wow! Yes! Thaaat is what I’m talking about! Thank you for this much needed nudge back on track. Who is the artist of the great painting?
You’re ever so welcome.The message came thru when I sat down to write. And I was surprised at how strong it was. It means we are close. And the art is mine. Thank you.
Love the message and the art!!! It is time to soar!!! Yes! Thank you!