Entering the Magnetic Flow

The pace is picking up. This week brought another surge in energy, adding to the mix and boosting what we are able to create in this new setting. How are you doing with all this?

We’ve talked about being in the flow. The flow is now magnetic. As we give up our resistance and our thinking that we know what to do or that it has to be a certain way, we are pulled into this magnetic flow and carried in its magical current. What we want to create comes effortlessly into being. In the last week this has been seriously amplified.

I went to the store on Friday and hit all red lights. I said, these need to be all green. On Monday, I went to the co-op to get a few things. It was the same road, and all the lights for 15 miles each way were green. We are alchemizing everything. Everything we do turns to “gold,” to what works in our beautiful new world. It all flows in the best direction if we flow with it. We are moving into our enlightenment, where we are filled with light. It’s all about light. On Monday night I had a message, we are being enlightened. And I saw that we are filled with light. Fireworks were going off in my heart center. I was moved to a new perspective to see that we create everything. We are extremely powerful. We’re arriving in this new energetic space, our New Earth. As we experience the flow now, it’s magnetic. It pulls us in the direction of the new and everything works. Everything becomes effortless.

As we experience the flow now, it’s magnetic. It pulls us in the direction of the new.

Last Saturday, I had a whole day of this and it was amazing. It was solid flow the entire day. All we have to do is let go of figuring everything out. We move into our power and we move into creating. We allow things to arrive. We don’t have to be in charge, we are facilitators. We are wave riders. We learn to balance in this new energy. We might THINK we know how something will be, but until we surrender and let go of our old patterned thinking we really don’t know. If we insist that we know how it will be, we can never be surprised. We can’t merge with the magic. The magic is right here waiting for the merger.

In the beginning we might only have a day of this here and there. But as we move into these higher frequencies, this becomes the way things are. We move into our happiness. What makes you happy? That’s what you are supposed to be doing. Seriously, we have to give up the struggle. We have to give up the fight. We focus on our new Self and on creating our New Earth, and then we expand it out to see who else is there. What we create from our heart and our crystalline consciousness impacts and benefits everyone.

We move into our happiness. What makes you happy? That’s what you are supposed to be doing.

Doing all the clearing work has been the challenging part. Once we align with this new frequency, everything is easy. We acknowledge who we are, we acknowledge our power, we acknowledge our ability. We stop being powerless and pretending we don’t know what’s going on. We can see the collapse. What do we want to put in its place?

Every day, visualize being in the new energy, the New Earth. As someone just said in the comments, “This morning as I was driving, I was marveling at the trees, and sky and all the beauty around me and it hit me, this is the new earth! We are in it. This is what it feels like. It’s not in some other place or time. It’s right here, right now. I know you have been saying something similar to this, but it just hit me today for some reason.”

That’s how it happens. We suddenly see it and know it. And we continue to let our guidance show us the way into the magic. This is our new time, this is our new world. We are creating it in every moment as we step out of the old and let the old go, like a garment that no longer fits us. As we make space for the new we are creating it, and we open our eyes and our hearts to see it, to behold it. It feels like magic when you see it, when you experience it, and it is. It’s your magic. Keep bringing your magic to the table, keep bringing your love. Fire up your direct connection to your divinity. Release it everywhere you go. Live as your new Self. Spread your light. It’s all about the magic that we now have access to. It’s all about the light. It’s all about us being our new Selves, in our new spaces. This is our New Earth.

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