Season of Miracles

It just keeps getting more surprising. A couple days ago I ran to the store to get a few things and on my way home I was listening to a local radio station. We have about two stations here so not much choice. The pop station was playing a bunch of nonsense and I turned it off. Then I said, I want to hear… and I named four singers/groups from the past. I turned the radio back on and lo and behold, they started playing a song from 1981 by the Rolling Stones, one of the groups I had mentioned! When it finished, this male voice on the radio said, “Anyone order a blast from the past?”

Yes, that was me. Thank you so much!

Seriously, New Earth is completely interactive and it continues to amaze me. It doesn’t matter how many times these new experiences happen, they are still surprising and heart-expanding as we realize what is taking place in this new realm.

The telling part of this is how it makes us feel. This new energy permeates our being and we know we are in it when these things happen. We feel enlivened and happy and oh so good. We know we are in our power, we know we are creating, we know we are being heard and supported, we know… we just know. The knowing within us is lit up when this happens, and we feel the resonance of our power and our divinity and truth. When you have this experience you will recognize it for yourself. Your Self will enter the knowing space, the interactive place, the crystalline consciousness where we are activated to be whole and alive and empowered and creating for the good of all.

The rest of that day was filled with miracles, one after the other, as everything around me expanded and carried me in its flow. I was giddy from the energy. Later in the day I stopped to see a friend and her Labradoodle picked up on the energy. She sat in front of me for a moment and then began racing around the living/dining room at top speed. She was expressing what I was feeling—the joy, the happiness, the exuberance of this new time.

Every time I am in this new energy, it is even better and more expansive and encompassing.

Here is what is happening. We are being shown something super important. Each and every person is going to have to use their power to create New Earth, the New Earth they want to be in. No one can do this for you. It’s an inside job. Whatever you are being and becoming on the inside is being projected to the world around you. That’s why we want to embody all the light that we can. Our creative power grows as our purity and sovereignty grow. We become aligned with the Divine Feminine energy as we anchor it here now. We are in the trinity of the Divine Mother, Father and Child.

We become aligned with the Divine Feminine energy as we anchor it here now. We are in the trinity of the Divine Mother, Father and Child.

We have entered the time of the miraculous. Not so long ago, I mentioned finding a book called In Search of the Miraculous when I was in college. Mainly, I liked the title and I only read a little bit of the book, which is a classic. But this is the time, right now. The Time of the Miraculous. This is the time when the veil of the false world gets pierced and we can see beyond it, into the truth of what is really here, the truth created by light, the truth created by us when we connect with our divinity and begin to use our power to manifest. We are in the season of miracles.

We are in the time of unfoldment, the time we have been waiting for. It is here.

This week, in came another big influx of Divine Feminine energy, moving us even further into the new, followed by waves of plasma, lifting us higher, carrying us into our new experiences.

Once we leave the old world behind, once we stop agreeing to its heaviness and limitation and begin to follow our heart and listen to our intuition, we can enter all this newness and begin to enjoy it.

Rain streaming down the window.

Here’s another thing that happened this week. Forecast was for rain all day at the start of the week, but I squeezed in an early morning bike ride before it started. And then it started, wind and rain, and I thought, maybe I will get a ride tomorrow. But THEN I thought, wait, I could create a patch of sun this afternoon. That was as much as I did, just that simple thought. Then I went about my day and after lunch I was watching some video news from someone I like to check in with. And I dozed off for about 15 minutes right as it ended.

I woke up to find the sun streaming in the windows. I was so surprised my first thought was, Where am I? It was disconcerting to go from rain blowing against the windows to sun and blue sky when the forecast was for all-day rain. Gosh, this New Earth stuff is amazing. So of course I went for another ride. It was so unexpected and appreciated.

So here we are in the midst of all this new energy, embracing our divinity and power. What are you creating? What are you noticing? What are you experiencing?

2 thoughts on “Season of Miracles

  1. I’ve been imagining and drawing a community I would like to belong to as I get older and need a different place to live. There is a large dome that covers an acre or so of land. Under the middle of the dome is a salt water pool and a fresh water pool next to it. Eco-friendly shipping container homes surround the dome with half the home inside the dome and half outside. Urban farmers grow food under the dome between the pathways leading from each home to the pool. Outside is more land and a farming family grows orchard and berry patches – a permaculture haven, and urban garden. Chickens and goats run around the property. It’s been my dream to live on the land, and maybe now is the time.

    • Yvonne, this is very similar to what I’ve been dreaming in. So interesting. I too am picturing small homes in community with organic gardens and fruit trees. And a saltwater pool. Maybe we can also have a natural hot spring?

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