People of Victory

We are having some major opportunities now to release fear and doubt. We have all carried fear and doubt deep within us from the 3D experience on the earth, and we have been releasing this for years. Some of it has been stubborn and slow to leave.

Friday, something happened in my own realm, and I was moved to react with my voice as a powerful surge of energy moved thru me. When I was a child, I was guided by my team to not say what I knew until it was time, and I was quiet for years. Even as an adult, I held back from sharing. Many of us have had our power and our voice seriously restricted until it was “time.” We’ve struggled with why it has been so hard to have a voice or to be our true Self. As we have moved into this new time, so much has become clear.

Now that we are in this pivotal shift point for the earth and all her inhabitants, it is time, and we are being awakened to who we are. We are being infused with energy that we’ve never felt, and we’re experiencing the Force being with us. This enlivening energy will appear and move us to act in ways we never have, to do what needs to be done, to finally speak the words that need to be said.

And that’s what happened to me. The Force moved thru me like a straight-line wind and I spoke what needed to be said, with a power I’ve never felt. And the fear disappeared. As we do the work, the work is done. We create and it is created. It’s happening inside us, it’s happening all around us, all at the same time. It’s masterfully orchestrated and synchronized. As we embody the new energy, we are transformed, and everything changes, because we are changing it. Our power is everything. Our divinity is everything. Our self-love, our purity, our sovereignty are the key that unlocks the door to bring in heaven on Earth. We’re drenched in a bath of crystalline consciousness and we emerge re-made.

Our pilgrimage has brought us into the God Light, into the new consciousness and the new time.

Our pilgrimage—with all the teachers, the classes, the readers, the guides, the ups and downs, the curves and punches, the doubt, the fear, and finally the self-love and knowing and empowerment and emergence into truth—has brought us into the God Light, into the new consciousness and the new time. We are the people of victory.

Last night, this is the phrase that came thru: People of Victory. The Divine Feminine energy is filling us with reams of new potential and creative power, lifting us, helping us to remember and restoring our magnificence. We are the people of victory as we lift into this now moment of the new time, where we experience miracles and synchronicity as the new normal.

We are being nudged, pushed, pulled and prodded, all to help us transform. All to bring peace and balance and harmony and love to our planet, so that we can live on our New Earth in a new way and know who we truly are. Yes, the people of victory. Allow this to sink in and may the force of the new be with you, may it be with all of us.

3 thoughts on “People of Victory

  1. This is so inspiring. I feel the power in your voice and it also rings true for me as perhaps it does for other women. I am being nudged to speak up more and more lately. I was very shy as a child and was fearful of speaking up, especially in a group of people. I love what you share about how the force moved through you with a power you never felt before, and the fear disappeared! What I’m getting is that if we don’t resist this power, our own inner power and truth that wishes to naturally express, the fear cannot exist because fear is not who we are. Thank you for being so brave.

    • Melinda, thank you for this glorious comment. I was shy as a child as well. The last few years, my voice has emerged more and more, and to have it now erupt with the fear gone is amazing. There are so many things that are going to happen to us, and it seems we don’t know in advance. We just suddenly have an experience. Yes, if we don’t resist this power and this energy and what it is bringing to us in the form of wholeness, we begin to experience who we really are, and it is awesome and amazing.

  2. I just have to add that your experience is stirring something in me. I feel the energy move through my body in shivers. I sense the power and magic of the time in which we are living. “We are the people of victory”. And all we have to say is “YES!”

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