The Love Is Getting Stronger

It seems hard to convey what is taking place now, but we are in the midst of something quite remarkable. Once you see it and become aware of it, it’s all you can do to just be in it. We are experiencing an incredible miracle right now. The more we relax and go with it, the better.

I’ve been giving examples in the last weeks and months of what is taking place, and these have multiplied, so that now they are happening every day. It’s happening with everything I do.

I had to renew my driver’s license and the letter said I needed to make an appointment. For 3 weeks I tried going online at the appointed time, Monday evening, and filled out the forms only to learn there were no appointments. It was bureaucracy at its finest. Finally I learned thru someone close to me that you could go in at 9 am, when the office opened. So I did that, and the whole process took a half hour. And the people working there were so friendly and helpful.

We have to make our own path these days to circumnavigate the obstacles. I’ve mentioned before the retired teacher who started a land conservancy here. When I talked to him several years ago about how he did it, he told me every time there was an obstacle, he went around it. And there were many. It’s good to notice when there is more than one path to where you are going. We don’t have to struggle. We find the path and take the leap.

We find the path and take the leap.

We are on the alternate path now. It’s the path we have chosen that takes us into our new way of being. We are now seeing things play out on many different levels, and those are all different paths. And some of these things can impact us, so it’s important to notice our options. And our biggest option is brought to us by the world of energy.

I remember the moment that world opened to me. It was a little more than 20 years ago when I took a Reiki class. I did a healing session for my mother, who had arthritis, and she said, “there is so much heat coming from your hands.” The next day, the skin peeled off the center of each of my hands. At that moment the doors to the world of energy opened wide. I walked thru and have never looked back.

The world of energy is where everything is taking place now and we have discovered that there is much we can do once we access this. We access it by releasing our old beliefs and our old programming, and opening to living thru our heart-based consciousness. I’ve written a lot about this in these posts and I won’t repeat that here. But once we move into the heart-based consciousness, we move into the new world. We encounter crystalline consciousness, and as we embrace that we access our sovereignty and our divinity. This gives us the keys to the kingdom, the keys to creating our heaven on earth.

We’re creating our heaven on Earth.

This is what we always knew was somewhere. This is what we have been looking for, so to open into THIS world takes us into the magic. It’s a series of steps and pathways and doorways that lead us into our truth, our true Self, and our power. It’s all about coming home to who we are: powerful, divine beings.

We are still encountering the old world every day, and coming up against the way people in that world want to resolve things. But we can’t resolve anything at that level. We have to go higher. We have to access our power and our ability to create change in the world of energy.

And the change begins within. None of it us external, it is all an inside job.

Where are you in this process?

Are you honoring who you are? Supporting your Self with choices that bring about the highest plan? Are you believing that YOU are the one who can do this? In the unified field we are each creators creating our new worlds, and co-creating by moving into unity.

This is when we step into the magic. You begin to see your thoughts taking shape. You can shape what is taking place around you by what your are thinking. These thoughts are for your good and the highest good. You see the line at the grocery store and you think, another register will open. And it does, and the person says, “I can help you here.” There is traffic on the highway and you think, there is a lot of space around me. And the traffic disappears. We don’t have to know how it happens, we only have to know that we are creators creating with our thoughts and intentions for the highest good.

We move into the opening we have created, and we create more of it. It’s effortless. It’s all about being new and thinking in a new way. We think, I am living in the New Earth. I am experiencing it now, and I can see the magic. I am surrendering to what is possible so that I can move past limitation. I am letting go of what I thought was true, to find the real truth.

The real truth begins with love, with self-love. And once we love our selves, we connect with our Selves, and we can use that power to create. There’s no time like right now to begin. The love just keeps getting stronger and stronger, and it is everywhere.

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