Aligning with Who We Are

The evolution of our physical bodies during ascension seems to be slow, and yet we are going thru a massive physical change as our cells steadily absorb this vibrant new light and expand into a higher frequency. Everything is changing: Our thoughts and what we’re thinking, as we begin to embrace love, sovereignty and supportive and respectful communication with ourself and others. Our food and what we’re eating, as we move to a diet of more fresh fruit and more raw vegetables—food that holds the living light of creation. Our physicality moves from acid to alkaline and we flourish. We move out of the heaviness of everything, and into the lightness of being.

An acidic state creates disease, and everything about our 3D world contributes to that. In the 3D world we’re bombarded with chemicals, negativity and control. As we move out of that we notice a return to health. We are more buoyant, more vibrant. Our pets have been impacted in the same way. They also need healthy foods filled with light. I’m switching my cat to raw food—the kibble and canned food he has liked isn’t supporting him to be healthy. We have to look for the truth and feel what resonates with our own knowing. And these answers will pop in as we go in search of the truth.

We are all observing many things now. We’ve become able to see in new ways. We’re getting messages from our own intuitive connections. What’s going to happen is popping in, like who’s going to text or call and what’s taking place.

In this last month, you may have noticed many old memories coming up out of nowhere. These are unique to each of us, and while we’ve cleared beaucoup from our old patterning and programming, some residual memories have risen to the surface. What we may notice with this is, how differently we would react or handle things now. We are seeing our own evolution and how far we‘ve come. This is also a review in some ways as we witness what’s ending.

We’re seeing the power of intention, and if you think about something that could happen that you don’t want, make sure you clear that thought. Continue setting your intentions and releasing them. The more we allow the evolution to take place, the more we experience the magic and expansion of it. I made an intention recently that I wanted to be surprised with dinner one night, and sure enough, someone texted me out of the blue Friday afternoon to say she had made dinner for me and would love to deliver it. But I went to pick it up. A wonderful treat.

We’re receiving, and we’re giving. We’re out and about doing things based on kindness, for no reason other than we see they need doing. Kindness is very much a part of our New Earth: it’s based on wanting the best for everyone, even those who can’t see this evolution yet.

We’ve stepped into the light; the light is who we are.

As creators of the new, we came to do this, and we have assumed responsibility for this. We’re involved in this every day, every moment. We’re monitoring what’s taking place when we have time, and we’re creating at all times. We’ve stepped into the light; the light is who we are.

Yesterday I had coffee with two friends at a new spot. Afterwards we walked back to the car, and as we got close to it, I felt the energy of exploration and adventure: someone was wanting to look in a few nearby stores. I simply flowed with the movement, and later the person said to me, “It was so interesting. We got to the car, and then we kept walking! And we got to go in a couple of stores.” Yet at the time no words were spoken, we simply moved as a unified group. We sometimes don’t need words now for coordination. We’re hooked up, we’re linked in. And we’re open to what’s taking place. There’s the spirit of fun and connection. We’ll notice this happening even more as things progress. We’re on the same page: supporting each other’s truth and happiness.

Love is all around, and we open to it as much as we can. It’s infinite, it’s encompassing. It’s who we are.

We’re on the same evolutionary page as well, moving into this new age. And there are many choices and opportunities. Each will choose from the wide array, what fits what they came to do and learn and experience. As always, those of us who came to create our new world will continue doing that. We’re watching it grow, we’re watching it unfold. Love is all around, and we open to it as much as we can. It’s infinite, it’s encompassing, and it’s who we are. We can align with it at any time and go forward as someone who is in contact with the divine holiness of their eternal being, a living and vibrant embodiment of the new, a beacon for everyone around. This energy is supportive and it’s unstoppable. As we flow with it, we become the beautiful multi-dimensional beings that we are, the creators of New Earth.

4 thoughts on “Aligning with Who We Are

  1. Thank you for this beautiful message. With regard to physical changes occurring, my diet has been changing. More green, alive food as you described. Even though I thought I was eating a pretty healthy diet, I am now eating vegan. It seems that’s what my body is asking for now. I am also noticing some old limiting thoughts float through awareness and am realizing I don’t need to go there anymore. It feels as we are moving in the light, our new lighter body is moving along with us. This is wonderful.

    • Melinda, it is so neat how our bodies are starting to want different foods, as you describe. We just stop eating certain foods and we’re drawn to other foods. And our idea of “healthy” food is changing. Quite the process this is.

  2. Hey my friend, regarding your statement “and if you think about something that could happen that you don’t want, make sure you clear that thought”, I want to share a channelled quote from The Benjamins: “worrying is using your imagination to create something you don’t want. “

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