The energy of 2-22-22 was different…
I had one thing to do in the morning—a short errand in the neighborhood. I got in my car at 9 and the light for a low tire was lit. So I did the errand and then went to the tire place. That’s when I felt this energy beginning, a bit like I was being picked up and carried by it. On the way home, with the tire fixed, I stopped to cash a check at the bank. The energy continue to grow. The moment I got home a neighbor called and asked if I would ride bikes with her. We did a ride. By now I was in the full force of this energy. It was pulling me into action, and it felt like I was becoming part of it. It carried me to the store for a few things I was almost out of, which turned into a trifecta—three stores to find these few things. Each store had one or two of the items on my list. By now it felt like I was in a positive whirlwind of energy that was carrying me effortlessly thru everything I was doing. Effortless. Like my feet weren’t touching the ground. And I felt like I was being shown something new. It was almost like some things were created for me to do so I could experience this new energy. It had a magnetic feeling, like I was drawn to the energy and the energy was drawn to me. And we were working together. Looking at it now, this was very much the energy of the Divine Feminine, the crystalline heart consciousness of New Earth.
While all this was taking place I noticed some of the ways the old world was coming undone. For instance, the teller at the bank had a lot of trouble with the simple act of cashing a small check. First he tried to deposit it, and when I reminded him I was cashing it, he gave me the wrong amount. When I told him the amount, he said he read the numbers wrong. He said he was having a hard day.
That night, I had a dream that I was walking and I discovered I could lift a few inches off the ground and then increase my speed. I stayed close to the ground so no one would notice I was actually flying thru the air. After some practice I found I was able to go as fast as I wanted, and when no one was around I did that.

The next day, as I tuned into what happened on 2-22-22 I saw that I aligned with the energy and moved with it. It looks like we’ll be learning to do this, just like we’ve learned to do so many other new things. It made me think of when I was working with a horse several years ago. I was learning natural horsemanship and working with this horse in the round pen. I was getting her to move with me by gesturing, and I stood in the center of the ring while she walked, then trotted, then cantered around me. She did everything beautifully, and when we finished I was so excited I did a little dance, right there in the center of the ring. And unbelievably, she copied me with her own beautiful happy dance. I found out later that was advanced work and I wasn’t supposed to try that yet. But it was a spontaneous happening and I loved it. Hope and I had moved into alignment, reading each other. And moving into alignment changed our relationship. This is how my relationship with my cat changed also. Once I aligned with him, we were able to communicate. We could tell each other what we wanted. It started because I wanted to know what he wanted when he sat and stared at me when I was working, I began to say “show me.” And then I would follow him. And he would lead me to whatever he wanted—usually his brush so I would brush him, or his food dish, or the front door. And then we became telepathic. I generally hear him now in that way before he even shows up. But we still do “show me” because he enjoys it.
So we’ll be moving into more experiences of alignment with the new energies, in order to see how they work and to learn to do things in new ways. And to enjoy the effortlessness of it.

A story that just happened shows how much everyone is evolving. I stopped at a neighbor’s house who sometimes rides her bike with me because her two springer spaniels were on her deck. When I rode into the driveway, they got very excited to see me. I said, ask your person if she wants to ride. They began howling with excitement, and she came out. And she said the most amazing thing: “I just heard them ask me if I want to ride bikes with you. I’ve never heard anything like that before.”
She is not someone who believes in any of this, so that was really something to hear. But yet, it was exactly what I asked for. All we have to do is move into what’s possible and watch it appear before our eyes. As always, stay in your hearts. ❤️❤️❤️ There’s more coming as we move into all this newness.
Terry, Thank you for sharing your experiences with the energy on 2-22-22. Truly beautiful and amazing. It makes my heart sing. I too experienced something with energy, only in a little bit different way. I felt drawn to have a session with a woman who does reflexo-chi. A unique combination of reflexology and reiki, a technique she said organically “came to her” in her work. I just happened to find her on-line while looking for a massage therapist. Her name just stood out. She was the only therapist with zero reviews. That kind of intrigued me.
So when I called her, she said her first available appointment was on 2-22-22! I took it. The whole session was magical. As she began working with me she noted that my body was immediately receptive. I won’t go through all the details, but the opening was “huge” (her words, not mine). There was energy moving through my body and insights were coming during the session and in the days that followed. One of the things she shared is that releasing doesn’t need to be difficult or take a long time. It can be very quick and gentle. In fact, this is how it works best. She said it felt like some old, ancient even, patterns or conditions were releasing, and would ask me, “Do you feel this?” And the moment I would bring my awareness to the area she was working on, it would immediately release. In answer to your question: “Did you feel it?”, I would say yes, I think I did. And this new energy is soft, magical, flowing and aware. I am in awe.
Melinda, I love how you were led to that experience. And how she was offering something that came to her in her work. This is such a beautiful example of how things works. And then, the way things were releasing! A friend of mine (who is no longer here) could put her fingers on a sore or tender spot and when she did, the energy that was causing that would come into your mind and then a release would happen. It was really incredible. Your 2-22-22 experience sounds awesome and I’m really glad you shared it.
Terry, love hearing about your experiences, especially about you cat. Gayle and I have a wonderful neighborhood cat here in Bandon (Willy) who greets everyone. Visited you in your home several years ago when we lived in Astoria.
Keep up your inspirational work!
Larry, thank you so much. I definitely remember you and Gayle from your time in Astoria. I’m glad you enjoy hearing about my cat. He’s a character, for sure. Thanks for your comment!