Our New Home Base

As I start this post, it is 1:11. It’s so interesting to watch the alignments taking place as we continue with this ascension process. Numbers often get people’s attention as they have a thought and then notice their mileage or the time, especially when the same number keeps showing up. 111 is new beginnings or a new cycle, so that was a perfect time for me to start writing. We can often feel spirit working with us and supporting what we’re doing.

The number one questions right now seem to be, Why is this taking so long? A lot of people are asking, When is it going to change? It definitely seems slow-rolling, yet could our physical bodies handle the process being any faster?

For me, it’s changing every few days, because I am always noticing that something is different. Some things are the same—we are still having ears that ring almost nonstop and sleep issues and digestive issues and times when we feel wiped out, all related to these intense energies. But in the midst of all that are the decidedly different experiences. I had one of those this week when I went to get a few groceries.

I try to consciously move into the flow with everything I do, when I remember or think about what I want to create. I usually do remember to do this when I’m getting groceries, because I’ve made a habit of it and that’s when I want things to flow and be easy. This time, I could feel that I was in the flow, and it was carrying me. This felt like being in an inflatable raft in a gentle river current. I was moving along, and what I needed was in stock. This is always good. It felt completely effortless. I only needed a few things, so it didn’t take too long, and as I put my groceries in my car and started to drive off, I noticed I felt like I was in a dream. The grocery store visit had a dreamlike quality. I felt like I had been in a dream about shopping, and that’s never happened before. It felt like I had moved outside of time, too.

It also felt very much like I was in a different dimension, because nothing was in my way or in my path. This has been happening for a while, having things clear around me, but this time it was amplified. It felt like I was shopping but it was so effortless that it was like I wasn’t there. When I got back in my car with my groceries, it was like, who just shopped for me? And driving home it felt like what a night-time dream feels like. And this seemed to be time-free—like it hadn’t taken any time at all. Time was just not part of the equation.

So this is the best way I can describe what took place. There’s been a shift so that the old world is now the dream, and the new world is our home base. We’re hanging out in that new high-frequency home base, and everything is easier there. Everything is simplified.

One other thing I am noticing this week is I have been in an absolutely neutral place about a lot of things. I ran into someone I hadn’t seen in 2 years, who I had decided I didn’t need to see again, due to some of her beliefs and the way she was projecting them out. In other words, this is someone who does not like herself, and she tries to transfer this to other people, to make it more bearable for herself. And yet when I saw her, there were just no feelings that were problematic. This was super enjoyable, because we all know what it feels like to be triggered. Never a fun experience. And she, of course, didn’t realize I had had any issue with her. Luckily she was in a car and I was on my bike, so the exchange was brief. She stopped to ask me about something. For my part, all I needed to see was the neutrality, and it was a happy surprise. We don’t carry our judgments and our problems and all that heaviness into our heaven. I hadn’t personally worked to create neutrality with her, it was just there. It was nice to see that. I noticed it with a few other situations, too. So there has definitely been a shift again.

We don’t carry our judgments and our problems and all that heaviness into our heaven.

One last thing: As people move into the awakening process and into ascension, they shift their perspectives, and we’re seeing more of that now. This is exciting. So onward and upward. Hope you are noticing changes in your world.

2 thoughts on “Our New Home Base

    • Susanne, thank you for being here! There are so many of us now actively doing this work to create our new experience. And each one of us makes a difference!

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