Touching the Lightning

Once again, we shot forward. Sunday night when I went to bed, I found myself wide awake. And I kept laughing about everything I thought of. No matter what it was, it was funny. Even things that didn’t used to be, are now, because my perspective has changed. We’re becoming more and more lighthearted, less and less weighed down by the heaviness of the old. As it turns out, Sunday was the night of the total lunar eclipse in Scorpio. Lunar eclipses can reset things, and Scorpio is all about bringing in the new. And that is exactly what happened.

At midnight, when I was still laughing and wondering when I would go to sleep, my room suddenly filled with angels. As in jam packed. More than I’ve ever seen. Because of some of the old 3D info, we can wonder why angels are there, but as it turns out, these had come on a mission. My ears were ringing and my head was buzzing. But I definitely heard a message. This is it. They didn’t use the word ascension, they used another word, something like arrival. As in We are here, we are here now. You have arrived. Wow, just wow.

This is it. You have arrived.

I felt the power of that and then I fell asleep. Well, since then, let’s just say, things have been altered. In the most beautiful way possible. Everything is so light-filled I can’t even describe it. But trust me, you all want to be here. You all want to arrive. As soon as you can. This is better than we can even imagine. And I know this is still the beginning of what we are coming into. But get off the bus or the train or the moonbeam or the lightning bolt or whatever conveyance you have been using to get here, and have a look around. There is magic everywhere.

I have been having the most unusual experiences since the angels came with their message. It’s like my feet are not touching the ground. I am swinging thru the energy grid as if those are vines. We will learn we can go anywhere. We still don’t have all the answers, but the more you can release the old heavy 3D world, the better. Every bit of it is designed to hold onto you and keep you from your joy and your magnificence.

I saw this field of crimson clover. The bees were having a field day.

All week I have been meeting new heart-centered people, and we are making instant connections. There is recognition. There is acknowledgment. I have wandered into totally magical areas of my small community. I saw this field of crimson clover, and I’ve never seen crimson clover before. The color was alive and brilliant. The bees were having a field day.

We are still seeing and experiencing the very heavy, tedious, problematic energy of the old world, but we are now dancing in the new. We are touching the lightning because our frequency is so high. We are breathing in the promise and potential of all the newness. We are anchoring it in our own hearts. This is who we are, this is why we came. Anchor away, friends, so that you can move into your incredible, heart-based power to create.

3 thoughts on “Touching the Lightning

  1. Wow Terry. I am smiling as I read of your experience Sunday night.. The field of crimson clover you photographed is truly magnificent. . Thank you for describing the magic that is all around us as we step into the new.❤️

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