Claiming Our Authority

This past week, we’ve been experiencing our movement out of the old world. We have been seeing the new pulling away from the old. And interactions this past week with the old world have been challenging. That coupled with the fatigue and sleepiness has made it a not very productive week for some of us. We are embodying big-time all of this New Earth creational energy because…

We are the ones creating.

And our creating, coupled with these incoming, immense, intense energies is having an impact on the rest of the world

In my own world, I got a taste of this this weekend with pockets of chaos and 3D action taking place all around me. It was like small swirling dust storms everywhere I looked. I got a slew of emails and text messages and even had people knocking on my door wanting to resolve what was taking place. Obviously, things got triggered. It was really something to see. This is just a taste of what is going to happen.

We are seeing our new realm becoming firmly established, and we are all holding all this new no-nonsense light. You are probably feeling it: We mean business. We can feel ourselves anchored in this no-nonsense light and we are not going to tolerate anything—let me emphasize that, ANYTHING—less than the new open-hearted, co-creative, mutually supportive crystalline consciousness. The Divine Feminine has arrived. And we are embodying all of this. Our new Self, our new way of being, is infused with the essence of this incredible beauty and power. Talk about cosmic rays coming our way, and becoming our way.

This is an energy unlike any we have experienced. It asks us to stand in our power, to be in alignment and to live our truth. It asks us to finally be who we are, the one we kept hidden.

Prepare to feel the full measure of who you are.

Prepare to feel the full measure of who you are.

And that means we have to claim our authority. It is time to take responsibility for who we are. To stop giving away our power to anyone else. To hold ourselves accountable for ourselves. To take the road into truth and sovereignty, into the light of the new.

The time is now. Our New Earth depends on us being our new selves and holding the full force, the full beauty, the full experience of this energy, as much as we are able to. We continue to move into this. We continue to embody and expand. We continue to claim and hold our space. And we continue to create.

Thank you all for being a part of this magnificent endeavor.

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