Sent on a Mission

In the grand scheme of things, what’s taking place now is just a blip. But for most of us, it seems like an endless process, because we’ve been at this for our whole lives. Quite literally, we’ve been working to shift the energy since we were young. As we grow in awareness we can see that. We were creating from the get-go.

I can look back now and see the ways I was holding the energy, even tho I didn’t know it. As a kid I definitely felt like I had come to a strange land, ended up in a strange family, and was trying my best to fit into a lot of stuff that didn’t make sense. We arrived on Earth with our high-frequency energy and the ability to do things that other people said were not possible. And yet we knew they were.

We were highly intuitive, we were super sensitive, we could fly, we could create. But until now, it wasn’t time for all that exquisite cosmic ability. We had to, as my mom used to say, hold our horses.

What a perfect expression, in that horses represent power. We were the harbingers of the new time, and we came in the ‘40s, ‘50s, ‘60s, ‘70s, ‘80s, ‘90s. More are still arriving. We came with a job to do and we went to work. We’ve been dedicated and diligent.

And a major shift is imminent.

We are so close to big things happening because of the level of the divide now between the old and the new. It’s becoming more difficult to get things done in 3D. It’s no longer our milieu.

We are so close to big things happening because of the level of the divide now between the old and the new.

In my young life, I wanted a horse, but never got one. One day, however, a horse showed up in my yard in the town where I lived. I was about 16. My prayers had been answered.

While I was out talking to the horse, my mother called our local police to let them know. “Couldn’t you at least wait an hour,” I asked her. But no, she wanted to let whoever had lost the horse know. And sure enough, about a half hour later, a middle-aged couple showed up.

By then I was riding the horse. There was no saddle or bridle, but I climbed on and was riding around our large yard. When the couple arrived, they were astonished and they just watched. The horse had never been ridden. It was their family pet, they explained.

It made me think about how horses are “broken” so that we can ride them. I never liked that idea and never believed it. How about letting a horse choose to give you a ride because it wants to? I realize now, we were broken too. We were broken so we would agree to all the nonsense of the system, and it’s taken us years to put ourselves back into wholeness. It’s time now for every living creature to move into wholeness. We are all equals. It is time to come into balance with the natural world.

We’ve worked so hard to come to this moment. Let us now hold the space for the shift. However it happens, however it looks, inside of us, we know what to do. We came with the tools. Just get ready to use them. We know how to do it, just like we knew how to ask a horse for a ride or fly or talk to the trees or get a download. We just know. It’s part of our power as divine creators sent on a mission to create a New Earth. We came with what we needed to have. And it’s inside us, ready to use.

6 thoughts on “Sent on a Mission

  1. Thank you Terry. What a beautiful message. It does seem like we are on the cusp of a big shift. The energy feels intense at times. I love your story about the horse. What an amazing example of coming into balance with the natural world.

    • Melinda, so many interesting things are happening every day. Today as I was leaving the store I saw two clocks, one on a store and one on a bank, and they both had the same time but it was ten minutes ahead. Those clocks always have the correct time, so it made me think that it’s harder to keep the old narrative in place now. It’s coming undone. The more that we come into balance, which is what we are doing, the more the old will be out of balance. For a moment, it was disconcerting to see the wrong time, but then I reminded myself all was well and not to worry. As we create our new world, we are going to see the old one not able to keep pace, even if they set their clocks ahead.

  2. I so resonate with your words, Terry. Love the horse story! I feel it’s true that we know what to do, even if we don’t understand why. Years ago, I felt the urge to meditate with a quartz crystal in my hands, before I knew anything about crystals or how they can magnify our energy and channel light. We are prompted to act on our inner knowing and need to trust our intuition. This interconnection with all living things is what I want to see more of. I am already seeing it with plants and birds. The Universe speaks to us all the time.

    And the divide in consciousness and ways of perceiving has grown huge, so something HAS to give. It’s been so isolating sometimes, knowing what I know while the people around me continue in the old, conditioned ways of 3D thinking and acting. Nature has been my solace and refuge, but it’s time for new humans to more consciously co-create the New World.

    Thanks for sharing!

    • Thelma, I love these stories of how we have been guided on our path. And I too want to see more of the interconnection. I was writing something the other day and I saw a flicker land in the top of a tree outside. I looked up the meaning, and flicker represented exactly what I was just writing about. When these things happen it makes us realize we are living in that connection, that we are intimately and deeply connected. The magic of this can take our breath away. How is it even possible? And yet we experience it again and again. It is truly so amazing.

  3. I resonate with both your sharing Thelma and Terry. Yes, it feels like the new is about being led by our inner knowing and trusting where it is taking us. I am appreciating how the Universe communicates through synchronicity, using everything and anything to remind me of my interconnectedness with all things. Even when the world around us is radically changing, this interconnectedness never changes.

  4. Melinda, I resonate with your words as well. I think we’re all on the same page.

    I find when we focus on what we want to see MORE of, instead of what we don’t want, this makes a big difference in what manifests in our reality. And the Universe is always giving us signs letting us know whether or not our chosen path is in alignment with our higher levels.

    I find “synchronicities” increasing, like just when I’m thinking about something, either a song on the radio or a conversation I overhear is on that very same thing! I believe as we stay in neutrality and out of emotional reactivity and reach a state of harmony, the Universe becomes a clearer reflection of our own energies and thoughts. Who would have known we were such powerful creators?

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