Going Out on a Limb and Finding a New Tree

I remember when I was writing my first book, Dance of the Jaguar, there was information coming thru that felt so true, and yet at that time, 2003-2006, I felt I needed to call the book fiction, which I did. But after it was published, many many readers told me they felt the book was true. They read it as true.

I can see now that we recognize truth when we come upon it. It touches something within us, it brings something to life. Something is awakened and we remember who we truly are. I am mentioning this now because truth is beginning to show on a bigger scale: We are going to feel this truth so strongly in our being. It is unmistakable, it is undeniable. Waves of awakening are washing in and these waves will be hitting the shores of the old world as it begins to come into touch with everything that is taking place. Almost everyone knows something is up.

We recognize truth when we come upon it. It touches something within us, it brings something to life. Something is awakened and we remember who we truly are.

I just saw a mainstream news video where 3 people were sharing truth that is coming out and talking about how disturbed and uncomfortable it made them feel. But to see them sharing their truth was heartening. We head into truth on this journey, all of us, sooner or later.

We go out on the proverbial limb and discover it is the branch of a new tree. This new tree feeds our soul, it brings us to life. We begin to live in a new way. We taste freedom. We connect with our power. We have experiences that we can’t explain. But because they are undeniable, the doors to the new realm open.

This week when I was in the co-op getting groceries, I had a moment where I shifted into a new higher-frequency being. I was in an aisle with another person when it happened, and I suddenly saw myself shift into a ball of energy. It was like the universe hit pause, because somehow I was stopped or “out of time”when it happened. I could see this very alive, kinetic ball of energy just an arm’s length from me, about 4 feet off the ground. I was seeing it and experiencing it happen, both. I was my current self and this new ball of light self at the same time, and it felt like we were both somewhere else at that moment. And then the experience ended, and the other person who was shopping seemed unaware of what had taken place so near to her. But for me, it felt like the birth of a new higher-vibrational Self. We are all moving into these new selves, so you may notice something like this too. I’ve always preferred that these things happen at home so I can have some transition time. But evidently it happens that when the time is right, we shift into more awareness and expansion. And of course, that is the perfect moment.

In my last post I mentioned the angel who came when I asked a question about why do people have to suffer. And he asked me, Can you feel the Love? He has been with me since, and he said angels are helping us to hold the frequency until we can naturally do it on our own without help. This has been very helpful because we are overriding all the old ways of being and doing and sometimes we slip back into those. I’m noticing this week, not slipping back much, and if I do, it’s only for a moment. How are you doing? What are you noticing as we continue this amazing transformational journey?

2 thoughts on “Going Out on a Limb and Finding a New Tree

  1. Terry, thanks for the post. It makes sense to me that people can at first feel uncomfortable with certain truths but when it resonates within, this allows them to gradually open to it. Maybe this is what’s happening now. The human ability to discern between falsehood and truth is getting stronger, at least for some. I believe we are led to information when we’re ready for it, and though it may take some time to sift through what it means for us, we begin to accept this as our truth. Sharing this with others can be powerful.

    May we all find the branches of a new tree! Whatever sustains our spirit and brings us joy encourages us to stay on that tree.

    What happened to you in the store was awesome, especially seeing it and experiencing it at the same time. I guess there’s no way of predicting when or where this could happen, as it seems spontaneous. Eventually we will probably all migrate into our light bodies as our primary consciousness and right now we’re in both bodies. Maybe there will be some kind of “merge” where the two become one?

    Thanks for providing a space where we can share these experiences.

    • Thanks for your comment, Thelma! Having other people we can share with on this adventure is so important, especially since many of us don’t have many other people in our lives that are on the same page. We turned a page from the old story and it seems we’re now in the “create your own adventure” part, learning and creating as we go.

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