Using Intention to Create

In this new energy, we can use our intention to create positive, beneficial outcomes. It’s very important to realize that as we move into our burgeoning roles as creators, we are taking responsibility for creating what happens around us. Remember, given the massive energy we’ve embodied, the clearing we’ve done, and the shifting we’ve gone thru, we’re now beginning to impact what happens in our world.

Given the massive energy we’ve embodied, the clearing we’ve done, and the shifting we’ve gone thru, we’re now beginning to impact what happens in our world.

Wednesday, I was driving on the highway when I noticed the cars coming toward me suddenly stop. A deer ran out onto the highway in front of them and headed for my lane. I had a split second to make a decision. My intention was clear: there was no way my car was hitting that deer. I stepped on my brakes. The doe looked about 20 feet away and I wondered how I could stop.

Then in an instant, everything was otherworldly.

My car stopped on the spot. Spontaneously, the vehicles behind me did too, as if their ability to run had been removed. Every car was silent and still.

The doe stared straight at me and her legs seemed to gyrate on the pavement as she moved across the road. Finally she reached the other side.

All the cars on both sides were still waiting. The patience and concern shown by drivers was impressive. There was no honking, no one trying to get around anyone else. We all waited to see if there were more deer but there was only one, so slowly we all began to drive again in a respectful, orderly manner.

Something unusual had happened. It felt like divine intervention. The busy highway scene had simply come to an abrupt, effortless halt. My thought was, this is the New Earth. Our intention is creating what we want to see happen, and because our power is growing our impact is expanding.

I have seen intention work in my own life where it had immediate results to change the outcome, but this was the first time I saw it on such a big scale. We are entering a new time and we are going to see this happening. Each of us is responsible for creating what is around us and as we do this, we will have an impact. We can no longer try to work with the old system and change things there. It’s too time-consuming and problematic. We must do it at a higher level. And we’re being shown that’s where we have to work. We will be endlessly frustrated if we keep trying to solve the problems at the level of 3D.

Where the deer crossed the road was where the accident was a week ago—I wrote about feeling the energy of an accident just as it happened but before I got to it as I was driving home from the store. This time, in the New Earth energy, the experience was completely different. It shifted because of the intention to shift it. We have to own our power. It’s time. We have to move into our roles as creators. That’s why we are here. Many are asking now, what is their purpose? We are here to CREATE OUR WORLD. The world we want to live in. The peaceful, beautiful, magical, heart-based world that supports us and nurtures and nourishes us.

We are going to notice the expanding power of our intention and ability to create on a large scale. We are going to feel the holiness of what’s happening. This will seem like pure divine magic and power. This is what we are bringing thru now. Because with all this energy, all these codes, all these gateways, all this recalibration, all this embodiment, we have made this a part of who we are. We are glowing with all this new energy.

So continue doing your work. Use your intention. Use it to override what you don’t want to have happen. See what does happen. We never learn how it works if we don’t try it. The more we practice, the better we get at this process. And the more who are taking part, the faster it will go. Many more are starting to come into alignment and take notice. Share what you know. We’re in this together.

8 thoughts on “Using Intention to Create

  1. A powerful story, Terry! Obviously not only your car but all the cars behind you were impacted by your intention. You managed to stop an accident from happening and create a positive outcome for all.

    I wonder what happens if we’re faced with a manifested situation we’d like to CHANGE? I live near a wild bird sanctuary on the St. Lawrence and recently the city has severely cut back the marshes that are “home” to frogs, nesting geese, wild mink, beaver, and more. It upsets me to see the harm done. It used to be lush and teeming with life and I want it restored.

    I know it’s uncharted territory. But if we are now starting to live in a higher dimensional reality while still being present in the collapsing 3D version, maybe it’s now possible to shift to the higher version through our thoughts, intentions and choice. Maybe that was what you did with the deer without realizing it. You chose a higher version of your reality for that creature through your connection to it and your love.

    Until now, accepting “what is” has been our stepping stone to creating something new and it took a while to manifest the New. And I believe we STILL must accept (and detach from) what’s happening in the old reality.

    My understanding is that we are starting to vibrate at a higher dimensional level and reality is beginning to form around our new level of consciousness. The Universe is more clearly and quickly reflecting what we feel inside.

    I feel like visualizing those marshes as lush as they were, still teeming with life… this is my choice and it has to do with LOVING the creatures that live there. In these new energies, doesn’t the Universe work with us when we have a heart-felt desire?

    Would appreciate your thoughts on this.

    • We’re learning as we go and discovering what’s possible. I always TRY everything to see what works. I’m always holding space for the new, and that includes protection of habitat, as you mention. I agree with Melinda, trust your knowing and begin to work with that area in the higher frequencies to see what transpires. Maybe that’s part of your mission. Perhaps you can also align yourself with the higher aspects of those animals to create with them. Being in this new expanded space is making new things possible that weren’t before. Let us know what you discover.

      • Thanks for your comments, Terry. I like your idea of linking with the higher versions of the creatures. Maybe that was why a frog suddenly appeared in my path on a recent walk there. He was losing his habitat!

        I think you’re right about my mission having to do with Nature. My biggest joy right now is feeding the sparrows and they are so appreciative.

        The tricky part is not rejecting something we don’t like, because that puts us in reactionary mode which is a lower frequency. I believe we need to choose the version of reality we want to experience, by loving it into existence. Welcoming it with open arms and heart.

        Will let you know what develops.

  2. What an incredible experience Terry. An example of what is now possible in these higher frequencies. I would say to Thelma: It feels like the Universe is already working with you. Something put that feeling in you to visualize those marshes as once again lush. So why not trust that feeling or knowing. It seems like what you are sensing is the aliveness that was once there. This Aliveness has an intelligence that honors all of life and when we align with this intelligence, “magic” happens. Or what might seem like magic in 3D.

    • Melinda, that is so profound! Thanks, I will trust my feelings.

      I was also feeling upset when they cut down a lot of mature trees lining my street; I kept focusing on what little greenery was left and ignoring the new buildings that have gone up. And now the city has planted NEW trees on both sides of the street. I am now getting prompted to visualize them growing quickly!

  3. That’s incredible Thelma, what conscious intention or focus can do! I love that the city planted new trees on both sides of the street. Of course they did. Because we are creating the NEW as we are prompted to do so.

    • Thanks, Melinda. It was important for me to focus on what I WANTED to see and not on the barren landscape that presented itself to me in the old reality. Getting upset only put me in a lower vibration, so I focused on every bush, every flower, every tree that was left and sent it love and appreciation.

      I believe what we appreciate GROWS in this new energy.

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