The incoming energies have been very strong lately. And we are growing more and more accustomed to them. In fact, we’re noticing that when we’re around heavier energies, we feel weighed down. So if we find ourselves wanting a break from the intensity, we can remind ourselves that we no longer enjoy the denser energies that are still out there.
You may be noticing too that when we align ourselves with the new, we find ourselves in a flow, where everything we do is easy. I was out and about doing errands this week when my car battery died. I called the tow truck, they were there in short order, my car started right up and I drove to the dealer where I get it serviced. They told me over the phone they didn’t know if they had a battery in stock. And said it would be two weeks before they could look at my car. But my intention was clear: they would have a battery. I asked when they could put it in, and the woman said, “Right away, as soon as you get here. And that’s what happened. They had a battery, and they put it in, even tho they are scheduling appointments for two weeks out.
The next day I was talking to a new neighbor in my community who said she’d had a horrible day. Nothing went right when she went to do her errands. “What’s wrong with people?” she asked. The bank employee filled out her form wrong and now she has to start over. And then something else went wrong.
We’re moving out of those problematic energies. And we do so by clearing our own emotional debris and being clear with what we want to create. The more we do this, the more we move into the flow of the new, where at times it is effortless. Where people are supportive and helpful. Where it’s happy. But it all starts inside of us, with the incredible work that we’ve done to become clear channels of the photonic light and the new heart-based consciousness.

When my battery quit and I called the tow company, the dispatcher asked me where I was. I didn’t know the street address, but I told her I was in front of the organic bakery.
Without missing a beat, she said, “We’re going to need croissants.” The tow truck driver told me she keeps them laughing all day.
We begin to contribute, we begin to uplift, we leave the drama behind, ours and everyone else’s.
We realize that when we share our horrible stories, all we’re doing is making things more dense for everybody around us. Each of us is a creator, and we have to be responsible for what we are creating.
These strong energies are carrying us quickly to the Equinox on Monday, March 20. There are all kinds of predictions for what will happen then. We’ll find out when we get there. But we are feeling at times now, after some time of not feeling them as much, the beautiful love-drenched, heart-centered frequencies that let us know we’re close. We’re definitely headed in the right direction. Let’s just soak up some more of this incoming awesomeness and anchor it here for everyone.
And take a seat at the table. I brought some croissants. And a bowl of ripe fruit.
Terry, You Divine Being. This is SO helpful. I Am at a stage that dense/negative vibrations/stories of anyone or anything . . . is No Longer Acceptable. We are receiving All the Building Material for Creating an Uplifting World. In fact, We are Already In a New World, those who have done the Inner Clearing. And So, like your experiences, my own experiences reflect the Same Ease and Support. Now and then, an Old Dense Vibration attempts to bring me down to that level. Standing in My Grateful and Conscious New Way Of Being , I Am able to withstand this ‘interference’. And Move On. The Only Way . . . Is Upward and Forward. And So It Is. Thank You.
Lovely confirmation, thank you.
Hi Terry, I laughed when I read this post because last Saturday the battery in my car died while we were at the Farmer’s Market. Since I’m not one to think to far ahead I never put jumper cables in the back, so I called AAA and resigned myself to the fact that we would be sitting and waiting for 2-3 hours. After just a few minutes, I entered into meditation and the small voice said, check where the spare resides. Lo and behold, a brand new set of jumper cables were there! Within just a few minutes another farmer’s market patron agreed to provide a jump, and off we went to the AutoZone. Bought the battery and they even installed it right in their parking lot. I even got a credit off the bill for the old battery. Everything just flowed once I meditated and relaxed into the situation. I’ve read that as we acclimate to the new ascension energies it is not uncommon to have electrical devices go down or burn-out. Have you heard of this?
Jeffrey, haha, almost the same experience. And yes, I have heard people talk about that. I think it can happen. Twenty years ago I was walking one evening with someone I knew who was a spiritual teacher. Every street light we walked under went out, and he said, “you’re doing that.” He said I needed to learn about my power. So that’s what I did. But I think we can definitely impact electronic devices, even if we’re not aware, as we move into these higher frequencies. Do you think this is happening with car batteries?
It’s certainly a possibility.
Mick commented below that he also needed a new battery. We are being recharged!
I hope you took some croissants to the secretary!!
Su, your comment raises an interesting question. How do we begin to think above and beyond 3D. As long as we do what we did in 3D, we never move beyond those choices. I am always looking for how we can move beyond. The 3D world is around us still and loves to pull us in, however it can. It’s up to us to be observant and discerning and to make new choices. I was already thinking about this, because the bakery was sold out of almost everything. So what can we do? We can hold the space of the new, hold the energy, share that energy in our interactions, be respectful and appreciative, and not bring drama to any situation. So while I knew the dispatcher would be surprised and even delighted to receive a bag of croissants, I had to think of what other choices I had, since the croissants were sold out. And I realized that we are doing an ENORMOUS job, which is basically invisible to the 3D world, of creating the new experience. But we share this new experience in every moment, in every interaction, because of the new energy and consciousness we hold. Every interaction with someone creates an opportunity for them to experience and be pulled into this energy. Almost everyone lights up and comes to life in these interactions. And during the moments of the interaction, they are feeling all the newness. They are being imprinted. And something deep within them stirs. This is what we are giving, this is what we came to do. It’s good to remember this. We are in our new selves now, our true selves, and living in a new way. Our power is to change what is, into our heaven on earth.
Wow, the incoming energies have been knocking me over. Cannot stay awake, literally. And I see that many people around me are very tired or sleepy.
Terry, loved your battery story (and the croissants). It helps to be clear on what we want to create and not to feel defeated by the reality in front of us. We’ve had so many years of believing in “worst case” scenarios instead of imagining the best. The more we realize our manifestation abilities in these new energies, the more we can use them consciously.
Thanks for inspiring us and helping us to move forward.
For sure, Thelma! I slept 9 hrs last night and got up and fell asleep for another half hour while reading something. Thanks for your comment!
Great story, Terry. Love the dispatcher and her sense of humor.
Interesting that you, Jeffrey above–and me–needed to replace our car batteries recently. About two weeks ago I was parked at the church I usually stop at to eat my quick lunch during work. When I tried to start the car to return, it wouldn’t kick in–dead. My manager came and gave me a charge and suggested I go right over and get the battery replaced.
I went over to the auto parts place and the young guy on duty told me they might not have the right battery for my car, for whatever reason. But they did. Then he discovered there might be an issue with them being able to install it. Again, it was fine and he popped it in and I gave him a small tip. And I was on my way.
It’s a compelling metaphor as well. New batteries for the “same ol'” vehicles. Ha.
Mick, yes, a compelling metaphor! New batteries, higher frequency, as we continue on. I notice my car feels supercharged. Our cars are keeping up with us, as we continue to be recharged. Quite the process. Thanks for sharing your story!