Thanks to the powerful influx of energies lately, we are expanding. Wherever we held ourselves back is being expanded. We will notice these places, possibly because they make us feel off-center and perhaps upset, and as we put our attention there, we will feel softening and expansion as we invite the energy of the new heart consciousness in. Just trust. This is all about vulnerability. We’re ready for this next phase as we move even further into the unified field.
This is the end of holding ourselves back and limiting who we are, the end of resisting. We are moving past that. We’re no longer agreeing to it. We’re willing to see it and to allow it to soften. This moves us into even more of our power.
We will feel those last remaining areas where we undervalued ourselves, diminished our worth, and felt the need to rescue. We’re saying goodbye to this. I worked on this for myself Tuesday night and said, I’m ready to move forward.
The next morning as I was writing this, a word popped in that I had to look up: fenestration. One meaning is a new opening is created.
So how interesting, that as I said I was ready last night and then began writing about how we are softening and moving past limitation, that a new opening is created for us in the new space. We are moving into it. We’re spreading our wings so that we can fly.
And then, something new happened. When that opening was created, the energies of the new swept in, in a way I’ve never experienced before. It was incredibly beautiful. All kinds of good and amazing things were happening, one after the other. The space felt timeless, so I don’t know how long it lasted, but it seemed like it was all day. It kept expanding. I don’t even know how to describe it, except everything was kindness and goodness. I could barely take in all the goodness. We’ve never experienced this before, that everything is kindness and goodness coming in for us. Picture that for a moment. Close your eyes and picture that you have finally moved beyond the limitations that you have placed on you, and an opening appears, and in comes kindness and goodness everywhere, in a virtual sea of love.
That’s what is happening now, as we reach readiness. The new is flooding in, with all of its heart consciousness and new way of being and relating. The way things are going so far, it’s clear this shift we are going thru is going to be beyond our wildest dreams or ability to imagine.
We are holding space now for those who are ready to enter the path of service, which leads into the heart consciousness. I’ve been observing this all week. The path of service move us beyond the all-serving focus on self, so that we can serve all and make a contribution in some way to our new environment. We begin serving the earth and all the plants and animals who calls the earth home. When the earth is our home, we tend and take care of it. As we create the New Earth, we are also tending and taking care of it. Our focus is on happiness. Everyone can be happy. Everyone can be supported and loved. And each person makes the choice to move into that space. There is no other way to get there.

Each day, we’re taking care of everything we have to do as the energy builds. We’re feeling the intensity of that energy in many ways. And we have moved beyond doubt to know that we are almost there. This new space that we are now experiencing every day bears little resemblance to the old. We still have roads and rainbows, houses and cars, stores and forests. But once we have stepped into the magic of the new energy, our vantage point changes. Something clicks, and we move into knowing, into appreciation, into joy, into happiness. We see our experience differently. We feel the joy, the awe, the magic.
We are in a brand new time. Prepare for this New Earth energy to pour in. Know that you’ve worked hard to get here. Open your heart. Take in the new consciousness. You no longer have to hang out in the old. You no longer have to limit yourself to what was. The moment this happens for you, you will be blown away, and surrounded by goodness and kindness as it enters your realm.
I really related to this: “We will feel those last remaining areas where we undervalued ourselves, diminished our worth, and felt the need to rescue. We’re saying goodbye to this.”
Just this week, I was asking my Higher Self why I was now seeing so many Aries women in my life, what did it mean? I realized that my closest friendships in the past were also with Aries women, but they were relationships where I catered to their problems and didn’t give myself enough value. This was a limiting pattern.
Now I offer encouragement or suggestions if asked, but don’t invest all of myself emotionally trying to solve other people’s problems. I trust they will find their own way and step back from any kind of “savior” role. It has taken me most of a lifetime to learn.
Terry, could you give us one or two examples of the amazing “goodness and kindness” you experienced? Sounds wonderful!
Thanks for you comment! Love that you are sharing your own process. Yes, we all have to learn to take that step back and not jump in to solve things for other people, even when it looks so easy!
When the goodness and kindness happened, I was moved into an altered space. So some of it is very hard to describe. However, it began with a post I had done going viral and so many people resonated with it. Then it was like I was in a sea of love and support. In the midst of floating on that sea of happiness a friend came by with tulips from a tulip farm she had gone to visit. She was taking them to everyone she knew. The love and expansiveness of her gesture amplified things even more and showed me the beauty of what we are moving into. It’s what we pictured, what we’ve dreamed about, what we’ve longed for in this challenging time in the 3D world.
But again, this was not a 3D experience so words don’t do it justice. But that’s a bit of the flavor. It was immersion in heart consciousness and connection. And it was beyond amazing.
Thanks, Terry, for trying to describe the indescribable! For me, the words “immersion in heart consciousness and connection” tell me what I need to know. This is the kind of world I have always dreamed of.
This morning I am reminded of the power and importance of gratitude in our daily lives. Being able to appreciate our experiences puts us in a higher energy. It also helps us to deal with loss when we feel grateful for what or who has left our lives. It magnifies the goodness that comes our way and probably attracts more of it. As humans, we tend to focus on what we DON’T have instead of appreciating what’s there. I am feeling the difference. Feeling grateful is uplifting.
I agree, gratitude is important. It shifts our focus and we begin to appreciate what we do have, all the blessings. It’s good to make it a habit, to think every day of what we are grateful for. We begin to see the richness of our experience.