Our evolution continues at a good clip and we’re seeing new aspects reveal themselves. Each shift brings us into new awareness so observe what’s happening in your world.
I took my bike in for its annual service and cleanup and it looks brand new again. The fresh and wonderful salt air is very hard on things where I live, and my bike especially has rusted. But the rust is all cleaned and the whole bike was waxed and oiled/lubricated. But I’m mentioning this because of what the person who did the work told me. I’d never met him before and he told me he used to be a car mechanic. I asked what he liked better, working on cars or bikes. And he said, “I like being treated with respect, and that’s how I’m treated here. So bikes, definitely.” I loved that comment, which felt like more movement into the New Earth. We all want to be treated that way, and as we clear out our old patterns and treat ourselves with respect, others treat us that way too. As we evolve, we will see our small businesses evolve too, the ones providing what we need in a heart-centered way. We’re all working together to create our new communities by offering the experiences we want to have.
Here’s another thing that happened. For years I’ve enjoyed drinking hot water in the morning instead of coffee. My mother used to say, “Don’t you want some lemon in that?” But I prefer just hot water. This morning as I was pouring a cup, I had an unexpected and surprising experience. The heart consciousness spoke to me. I don’t know what the exact words were, but the message was basically Hello, so beautiful to be with you. And at that moment a little water spilled and formed a perfect heart on the stove. That was a first, as I’ve never had the heart consciousness speak to me so directly. It’s always been indirectly.

For many years, I collected small heart-shaped rocks that I found on walks. This was well before I knew anything about the heart consciousness, but I felt like these rocks were holding a special ❤️ energy, just like we’re doing now, and I felt like these little rocks were scattered all over the planet, holding this energy. People would bring me ❤️ rocks for my collection, and I would pass them onto others when guided. I also worked with their energy, not yet knowing of the coming heart consciousness that would permeate us all.
So it was quite lovely to have this heart consciousness communicate with me as a living, interactive, aware energy. It shows we’ve moved to yet a new level of ascension. It’s easy to talk about heart consciousness, but to realize it’s a living energy that is interacting with us even when we’re not thinking about it is another step into the newness. It’s a living presence that is becoming a part of our new selves and it is communicating with us. We’re working together.
I am always noticing ❤️ shapes in nature and taking pictures of them, and I’ve always felt those shapes are intentional. Now I know they are. This ❤️ consciousness has been with us for a long time.
We haven’t yet seen how interactive nature is, but that’s coming. We will see that our whole world is interactive and responding to us, and that is why it is important to embrace our divinity and move into our roles as creators. There’s work to be done. And we too can now shape what is taking place, in the same way the ❤️ consciousness did when it spoke to me this morning. We’re all doing this, all of us along with all the beautiful creator energies that are working with us. Let’s dream, let’s visualize, let’s create and bring our New Earth fully into being.
Terry, Thank you for this timely message.
“Treating myself with respect” is something I’ve been noticing. Getting in touch with how it feels to respect myself and how this translates into action. Such as, how quickly do I let go of self-doubts that arise, or how quickly am I able to forgive myself when I speak or act out of old patterns? How quickly am I able to come back into a sense of self-love when I’ve seemingly fallen out?
I am seeing this as part of stabilizing in, and as, Heart Consciousness. It begins with self-love and radiates out from here. P.S. I too have a small collection of Heart shaped stones. Aren’t they wonderful!
So interesting that you also have some heart-shaped stones. Yes, they are wonderful–and very dedicated to their work, too. Interesting that I never found one until I started on this journey… and the teacher appears.
Wonderful comments about awareness–that’s all it takes and then we treat ourselves differently. Stabilizing in and as the Heart Consciousness, I like that.
Thanks for sharing this, Terry. Now I will be noticing heart shapes everywhere! They have become quite popular as a design in the froth on a cappuccino.
I love the idea of the Universe being responsive and interactive, it’s the kind of world I always dreamed of. I agree with you and Melinda that it starts with ourselves and treating ourselves with respect and self-love.
So the Heart Consciousness is all around us, part of Nature and Mother Earth? Even in so-called inanimate objects? I wonder if this is like saying that God is everywhere but now actually FEELING it.
The Heart consciousness is all around us and within us too, once we embody it. I think all the heart shapes came into our awareness because it is prevalent now. It was important for us to become aware of it and connect with it. And I think as we move into the new, yes, it is a part of everything. Everything is made of it.
I feel this too Terry and Thelma. The Heart Consciousness is in everything. Everything is made of this – both animate and so called “inanimate”. We as humans, by awakening to this truth, can consciously work with it, bringing ourselves more fully into alignment with it.