Talking to Birds

In the past week we’ve moved into yet another new space. Intense energies are helping us evolve now on a daily basis and creating noticeable changes. We are definitely not in Kansas anymore.

A while back I wrote about juxtapositions. These are alignments that are very noticeable and get your attention because they don’t seem possible. Lately, many are noticing these. This past week, I had one that got my attention. Two swallows have been rebuilding the nest on my porch. I saw one of them about a half block away flying over the grass and I said, “It’s you!” It immediately flew to a sign about 3 feet from me and landed. We had an exchange. He wanted to know that his nest was safe on the porch, and I said yes. This was telepathic. And then he flew down to the road and looked up at me, and then flew off.

Two swallows have rebuilt the next on my porch.

A bit later I was thinking about this exchange as I rode my bike to a friend’s house: We are now talking to birds and other creatures when we see them and they are also talking to us. When I got to her house she opened the front door before I knocked. She was excited. “I had a conversation with a bird,” she exclaimed.

Really, what are the odds? She was talking about the very thing I had just been thinking about. She shared a story of having talked to a crow in her yard. She’s never shared anything like that before. And she had been very aware they were conversing. I shared the exchange I’d had. “That’s what it is,” she said. “An exchange. I’ve never done this before,” she added.

It seemed unusual that we both had the same experience at almost the same time. And we were both struck by it, that it was something new. I don’t think we realize how often birds and animals know who we are. We’re now recognizing them, too.

We are now more and more encompassed by all these energies. We’ve made them a part of us by embodying them, and we are noticing our new environments are distinct. Within these surroundings we are creating what we need and want. And the more we do this, the more this new setting becomes available for those who are beginning the process of opening their hearts and feeling that things are different from what they thought. We can now feel our cosmic teams around us, like friends. Our cosmic community feels very present.

The streams of energy are impacting us in big ways and fundamentally changing us. We are evolving into our remarkable new Selves. The synchronicities, alignments and juxtapositions are happening routinely. We are new, our world is new, and we are growing our world moment by moment as we envision how we want it to be. In this new love-infused state, we’re recognizing what’s important. And we’re no longer willing to have anything else.

3 thoughts on “Talking to Birds

  1. Yes!! I am in a situation where i am needing to enter the medical field (I have kept out of all of that for 70 years) and it’s a challenge—a raven has been flying over calling to me….a bald eagle flies right over me daily, re-minding me to fly and soar…and today, a slow walk around my garden, i see a robin in a nest in an Asian Pear tree…i saw her and said, “shhhh…you are safe here…” and I knew she felt it, too. I walked quietly by…..

  2. Hummingbirds have communicated with me for several years. They will hover inches from my face. Sometimes “just because”, other times to let me know the feeder is empty.

  3. Terry,

    Communicating with birds is wonderful, and your neighbor’s experience certainly mirrored your own, maybe as a confirmation.

    I have always felt close to birds but lately their songs seem to put me in a higher space. And watching them fly and soar makes my spirit lift.

    We can learn a lot from Nature and all its creatures! Being able to truly interact with them is a real gift.

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