We continue our evolution into the NEW and this past couple of weeks has brought a lot of change. We’ve been releasing so much of the old, but still using the parts that are useful. As I am writing this piece, I’m finding that the linearity I’ve always depended on for writing is slipping away. The words and ideas keep moving around as I work to make something cohesive. It’s not wanting to be cohesive. It’s more of a big jambalaya, with everything mixed together.
And I’m finding this energy that we’re in is a very fluid, dynamic, alive space with enormous creative potential. This is our new base, not the old world we rattled around in trying to make sense of things that didn’t seem to work well.
We continue expressing our inherent divine power and creating the new world around us. And even if things don’t show up right away we are now not losing our forward momentum. There are many of us now, and that strong momentum is helping to carry us further into our new world. We can feel the current. We can see the changes.
We are taking in the beauty of the natural world that is around us, that has been around us, seeing it with new eyes and a new, open heart. The new consciousness is now a part of who we are.
The energies arriving are nonstop, and we are evolving very quickly now into newness that we are learning about as it is happening. We’re discovering how to function in our changing world on a daily basis. It can feel disconcerting, yet it is also exhilarating. It’s somewhat like a carnival ride that is taking us to the edge. But unlike carnival rides, this is a very real, truth-focused, heart-based cosmic experience. We can embrace it and enjoy it, because we can see our beautiful role in creating what is taking place.
For quite some time now, I have not wanted to make plans to do things, because I never know how I’ll be doing or faring. For the last several days, this is even more pronounced. I’m seeing the speed at which we are changing and the trickiness of continuing to interact and function with the old world. We are all seeing the challenges of our interactions with others. Some of these are failing, and some are thriving. In the latter group are those who are opening their hearts and doing their best to be with what is taking place, and all the unknowns that are appearing.
One very noticeable change is how malleable our environment is. Literally, it changes with our thoughts. For all of us who have practiced manifesting, we can now see the absolute seriousness of this skill. We are seeing that we are creators. We can feel our god self growing within us, and nothing is going to hold us back from moving into our magnificence.
Yet experiencing the odd bumps and dips in reality as we go about our day can feel quite strange. We have to learn to just go with all this and to hold our new space with all of our might. We’re creating it and we are keeping it stable and full of the new consciousness and the new light. This is our home frequency as we grow and expand with it.
We’ve been moving thru gateways and expanding like crazy. We begin to notice there are no hard and fast rules with anything, and our own guidance system is communicating with us to tell us what to do. Listen. Let your heart guide you. Rest when you need to. Let everything go that is not essential. And feel the love held in this new light. Feel the power it’s bringing. This light and love takes precedence. We’re allowing it and we’re helping it. Hang in there. We can totally do this. In fact, we are already moving into the future and you may be seeing that too.
Something very interesting happened in my world. I was trying to make sense of all this midweek, and I realized that we are living in the New Earth frequencies now. Yet still navigating the old world, while in that new space. Which feels quite weird. I realized we have to let go of any doubt that still doesn’t let us believe all this is really here now. But I saw I was completely in the new energy. The mail came and brought a vintage post card from a dear person in my life. The card showed the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan (Mexico), which I visited in 1985. Teotihuacan means the City of Gods, or the place where gods are created, where one becomes a god.
The universe is having a conversation with us: It’s affirming what we are intuiting. We are becoming gods. It’s exactly what is supposed to happen, and it’s beautiful to have the confirmation. I remember all those years ago, climbing the steps of the Sun Pyramid and trying to feel the ones who created that structure, the third tallest pyramid in the world. Now, as we become the creator gods, we’re getting a sense.
So we are in the New Earth now. There is a part of us that can still expect to find the old Earth, because the seeds of doubt were planted deep. But we can accept and honor the newness we see taking shape around us. I have asked for a temperate climate, and we have been having that exact weather here, day after day. I am seeing specific things that I asked for appearing around me. We each have to release the part that still expects the old to show up again.
Here is the message that came thru for us this morning: As you move out of linear time, you will experience things differently than you have in the past. It will seem like a ball of living energy, with different things rising to the surface at different times, yet all of it available depending on your need and focus. Everything is available in the present moment and you will pull forth what is needed.
You are in this ball of living energy and you are seeing seeds you’ve planted take root. Your movements may feel like a cross between walking and treading water, as you are continually righting yourself within this ball of living energy as you make corrections to your thoughts. Your abilities are growing, you are mastering the energies and discovering how things work. You are accepting your divinity. You are creating. You are becoming the gods that you came here to be. And bringing in the new world, just as you planned.
“For all of us who have practiced manifesting, we can now see the absolute seriousness of this skill. We are seeing that we are creators. We can feel our god self growing within us, and nothing is going to hold us back from moving into our magnificence.”
Thank you for giving shape and expression to the WONDER of these times, Terry!
And thank YOU for being here too at this time. It’s so great there are so many of us.
Yes, I am holding the highest vision and feelings of love, joy, harmony, bliss, and compassion for all as we awaken to this enlightened conscious existence of Oneness. Divine multidimensional lightbeings of love anchoring the higher frequencies in this New Earth. Yes.
Jeffrey, such important work. And for a lot of us, most people probably don’t know we’re doing this. But we’re working hard and getting this done. Thanks for everything you are doing.
Thanks for this message! Yes, we must recognize and honor the newness around us and feel our ability as creators.
I live in the city and my kitchen window looks out on another duplex that is undergoing renovations after 40 years of neglect. For starters, it has a new roof, stairs and balcony and ongoing excavation work to fix the cracks in the foundation. The inside is also being transformed.
I can’t help but feel this is symbolic of what’s happening on a grand scale.
We’re seeing so many signs of things being made new now, in many ways, and we’re going to see more and more. It’s very exciting. And of course, all of us who’ve moved into our creator roles are creating this. It’s a good view to have from your window, of the new world coming into being.