New Beginnings

Thursday night my cosmic team gave me the title for this post, and even though I was trying to fall asleep, I was immediately interested. Yes, since, the eclipse, there are sleep issues again. And a little over a week ago the dizziness hit, followed by the woozies. We’re back to walking carefully when we feel a little tippy. But overall, you may be feeling more energized. And the additional, very exciting message is, in these new beginnings, we’re getting younger.

There’s never a timeline with these messages, so who knows when we will experience this, but we are definitely beginning a de-aging process. It’s part of our healing and renewal. This is happy news. Let me know what you are noticing.

We’ve all been enrolled in the School of Evolution, receiving guidance and messages. And we’ve evolved into new versions of ourselves. We’re very different from who we used to be, more balanced, more grounded, more empowered. And those around us have noticed this too. All thanks to the massive amount of light we have taken in, and all the clearing and emotional work we’ve done to activate our divinity.

We are noticing way less tolerance for all things 3D. I went in to do my annual bloodwork, and was surprised to see that we were supposed to check ourselves in electronically. A woman who was waiting for her appointment smiled at me and said “Good luck.” Another woman was trying her best, and after 20 minutes she turned to me and said she was giving up. So I knocked on the lab door and when a woman came out, I told her we needed assistance. She said the program in the device wasn’t working correctly. And yet there was no one there to help. She managed to input our information and all of us were able to continue on with our day. But what’s next, drawing our own blood? It was interesting to see the two women who used to check people in sitting at their computers not far away, not doing anything. This is a crazy time.

3D is starting to make no sense at all. It is coming apart, and many people are noticing this. The common comment is, “The world is a mess. What’s going on?”

It’s important to not give too much attention to this mess, and to do our best with navigating the required systems. And to keep creating. Create what you want to see as you move into your experience. This is helping us to surf thru problematic scenarios with as much ease as possible.

Community is being created: two deer fawns standing next to a bull elk.

We are tuning even more into the natural world with all our senses, and experiencing the lush beauty and amazing interaction to be found there. It can soothe our soul. We’re noticing the colors, the blue of the sky, the brilliance of the flowers. We’re seeing how animals are behaving in new ways. I saw two deer fawns standing near a bull elk. Normally they avoid each other, but our New Earth community is being created.

This is a time of new beginnings. We embrace it. We open our hearts to the newness, and we feel the resonant energies move thru us. Our ears are ringing with all this change. We’re feeling ourselves shift. And those of us who are ready are moving ahead. We’re committed. Even if there are fleeting doubts or times when we wonder if our physical bodies will be able to make this transition, we are on full throttle. This is what we have been waiting for. And this is what we have been creating.

7 thoughts on “New Beginnings

  1. Pingback: New Beginnings - Love Yourself Into Life

  2. After 71 years of no doctors/hospitals, etc. two weeks ago i had a “seiure-like” experience, and now get to see Neurologist, and tests, tests, tests…and I am not allowed to drive until that is completed and ok’d…for up to six months to be tested again. I live 30 miles from the nearest supermarket and town. I’ve been solo and independent my whole life…till now….and it’s.a.drag.often. But, Being home-bound, i’m realizing how much the garden loves me, even though it’s Wild and unkempt now…and how the trees love me…and how my home loves me…i feel loved. I am loved. Looking forward to ‘stepping into the new’ and focusing on ‘Thank you’s’….and moniter my bitching (which of course covers Fear..) My fortune cookie last August read: “look ahead in the next month for a new beginning.” I felt excited…i didn’t know it was entering the medical tangle. Bless not curse, right?

    • Su, sorry you’ve had this experience. We all like to be independent. But want to let you know someone emailed me today in response to this post and said he’d had seizures as well. So there are two of you now who’ve had this happen. Hmm. I felt enormous pressure in my head this past week, as did a friend of mine. It’s not painful, just noticeable. So I’m feeling we are having some circuits rewired. It’s always good to get things checked, but maybe by the time you get your appointments, you won’t need them anymore.

  3. P.S. I’ve also been Amazed at how One has to be their own Advocate in these matters. I’ve had to make 20 phone calls to get appointments and correct ‘referral department’s’ errors. And waiting months for tests and appointments. An eye opener, sadly. But it all, too, is changing….

    And back to my ‘situation’ at the moment, I realize it’s about loving my body, my best friend for over 71 years, and i want to give ‘her’ more compassion for when ‘she’/we have challenges and ‘can’t do what we used to do’. (I still find that hard to fathom a bit….my resistance perhaps.) The ole ‘huh? I used to be able to do all this…” Wanting to love my self for how ‘different’ i am right now….ready to take wing….

  4. A hopeful message esp for those of us who have been on this path for decades and wonder how our bodies will hold up. A lot of people around me are becoming at least partially incapacitated in their 70s.

    I hope the youthening effect happens soon, to give us the energy to fully participate in the New. I will be sure to comment here should I notice a change.

  5. Pingback: NOUVEAU DÉPART – Presse Galactique

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