We came to Earth to do a job and as we become aware of that mission, we move fully into it. We are dedicated to seeing this happen. And with each passing day, ti becomes more clear for each of us what we are doing.
In creating our new environment, we are learning about love. We are bringing to light everything we never knew about it. How do we even define it or describe it? It is an incredible force and we are discovering the width and breadth and depth of this all-encompassing way of being.
We are entering a time of release, and we will be releasing whatever we no longer need. Even today, we can release the conversations, the emails, the requests, whatever comes our way that does not lift us up. We are ready to be lifted. We are ready to live in grace and in peace. We’re letting go of the busyness and the paperwork and the middling things. We’re seeing the departure of the ones who are choosing not to be in our energy field because of the level of light. And we are ready to be made of the beautiful power and purity of love.

We are experiencing moments of perfection. Driving home from the store Wednesday I had two errands to do in my neighborhood. I had to connect with two people, and none of this had been arranged. But I pictured it briefly as I drove, and amazingly, both of the people happened to be out by the road in front of their houses as I drove by. All I had to do was stop and hand them what I wanted to drop off. It was perfectly orchestrated. Notice how perfection is appearing for you. We’ve always been drawn to it, but this is our first experience of it as effortless. It is part of our new way of being.
Perfect means “completely done,” and in our new consciousness, this is what we are evolving into. We no longer have to strive or work hard. We simply have evolved into a completed state that is whole and healthy and made of the pure force of love. And we are learning how to be in this new way.
Let’s glow, let’s shine as we embrace the mystery of all that is coming.
Pingback: The Perfection of Love - Love Yourself Into Life
Ja, so ist es, Synchronizität statt eigener anstrengenden Planung.
Danke sehr für die so wahre, ermutigende Botschaft.
Ich, persönlich, gehe auf einen kompletten Neuanfang zu und erwarte in diesem Flow, von dem sie schreiben, dass sich eine Türe öffnet und es ist schwierig, die Geduld aufzubringen für die richtige Zeit: Wie lange stehe ich denn noch hier quasi mit gepacktem Koffer, bis sich die getroffene Entscheidung sichtbar manifestiert. Mit eigenen Alternativen und Recherchen will ich nicht in das Leben eingreifen, welches auf mich wartet!!
Ihnen und allen Lesern wünsche ich allen Segen
Thank you Anne! I’ll put the translation of this wonderful message below. You’ve aptly described what many feel. Suitcases are packed, but we don’t want to jump ahead. We are SOOOOOO ready.
Here’s the translation:
Yes, that’s it, synchronicity instead of your own strenuous planning.
Thank you very much for such a true, encouraging message.
Personally, I’m heading towards a completely new beginning and in this flow that you write about, I expect a door to open and it’s difficult to have the patience for the right time: How long will I be standing here with my suitcase packed? , until the decision made is visibly manifested. I don’t want to interfere with the life that is waiting for me with my own alternatives and research!!
I wish you and all readers every blessing.
Terry, I can feel the energy and lightness of your words as you describe what we are moving into – “a completed state that is whole and healthy and made of the pure force of love”. There is such an upliftment happening that is effortless and joyful and leading me always in the direction I am to go. Thank you for beautifully describing what I have been experiencing lately in spite of all the distractions and noise of the outer world. We are moving together as a forcefield of Love!.
Thank you, thank you.
Melinda, thank you for sharing your experience. It’s wonderful when we realize others are having these things happen. And how great that we get to choose our path. And that we’re doing it together!
Pingback: LA PERFECTION DE L’AMOUR – Presse Galactique
That’s an awesome experience, Terry. I am all for effortlessness! My heart tells me what I want and I can immediately feel in my body if I am moving in the wrong direction. It feels heavy or contracts.
Feels like we’re moving into a more magical experience, where love and a sense of joy guide us and synchronicity is the norm. Upliftment is the perfect word.
Just as you say, Thelma, we’re moving into a more magical experience and away from the heaviness. I remember what Don Miguel Ruiz said to me years ago, “We are here to be happy.” And we can actually choose that, and now it’s rising up around us!