Very early on the 28th (3:30 am), I woke from a dream where we were being given instructions for ascension. These were written in green light and as I was trying to read them I woke up. Then, trying to remember the dream, I realized it was still taking place, and I remained in the forward motion of the “dream” for several more minutes. A noticeable shift was taking place right at that moment. Feeling dizzy, I centered myself in the energy and the dizziness left. As I came out of the dream I could feel this shift was significant—considerably bigger than some of the small ones we’ve been making recently—moving us into something very new.
When I got up a few hours later I felt incredibly disconnected from the old world. This is one of the biggest shifts I have felt to date, and it was big enough that I decided not to go to the Thanksgiving dinner I was invited to at a friend’s house. It felt important to stay home and just be in this new space. And truly, I felt discombobulated. It’s taken me a few days to adjust.
I had a text from a friend who said she felt like she was still dreaming for a few hours after she got up that day. She was playing a game with her children and said the numbers did not look “right.” She said her whole family was very quiet and decided to stay home. So they had experienced something as well.
I have not done much since this shift. We’ve been taking many small steps and it feels now like we will be taking some bigger steps. We’re ready for this kind of change. We’ve separated even more from the old world in order to hold the light of this new time. Our cells are pulsating with this new light.

You may be noticing also in the last few days, how many people are having trouble with what day it is. They’re showing up on the wrong day for appointments or just commenting that they thought it was Sunday when it was Tuesday.
I saw a friend Friday who was in town visiting from another state. She said, unprompted, that she has decided to be more kind to people. She is moving into the new heart consciousness. She told me that several people she knows have died recently, very quickly, and she wondered why. As we know, some will decide this energy is not a match for them.
We’re in this historic, unheralded evolution now and as we move ahead, this is a time to trust, to trust that we can do this. To know we are ready. To know all is well. We are moving past much of what we see taking place around us. Continue to dream and create from your heart center because we are each creating the new experience we are moving into, supported by a sea of powerful cosmic light. It’s the wind in our sails and the light in our cells as we all begin to experience, for real, this transition into our incredible new age.
We’re the beacons, and our homes are our sanctuaries, where we can experience the peace and happiness and expansiveness and freedom and brilliance of what we are creating as we bring it to the world at large. We’re growing and we’re glowing and there’s no stopping us now.
Such A Sweet Share! Thank You Terry, w/ ONLY Blessings On Your Way ~
Yes! Thank you so much for this writing, Terry. I affirm what you are saying about a big shift happening including feeling in a dream like state even after waking. Much love to you on your Path.
Yes, onward and upward … as we are being moved into what is True and Real … remaining HERE and leaving alone the false appearances showing up everywhere in this crazy scenerio going on around us.
Profound and Accurate!!