We’re in a deep transformative process now, and it feels quiet. This is taking place on the inside, like the natural world when it seems to sleep in the winter. Almost everything that’s taking place is hidden.
We’re preparing to burst forth as our new selves. And this will be unstoppable. We have worked diligently to create this. So what feels like downtime right now is actually just the final preparation. We’re in that cocoon phase, surrendering our old form in order to create our magnificent new one.
We don’t know exactly when or how this will happen, but we’re in the process now. So we continue to nurture ourselves, to rest, to do what needs to be done.
Here are things you may be noticing:
🌟We’re getting pictures of things that are going to happen. Our intuition is in high gear.
🌟We’re having remarkable new experiences.
🌟Even what we thought was true in the spiritual realm is changing.
🌟We’re noticing how long it takes to do things in the old world, and how effortless it is in the new energy.
We had a beautiful ascension wave Wednesday December 11, and some felt energized all day by this. It was as if we were being carried by the new energy and everything flowed easily. This was an incredible taste of what is coming.
Some felt ascension symptoms on that day. No matter where we are on the journey, we continue moving into the light, clearing the past as we go.

We’re infused with newness now. We think differently. We act differently. What we care about has changed. We’re ready for this incoming wave of light. We’re ready to be light-filled, heart-centered beings.
During this time of stillness we are releasing the last of what we hold, such as pain we have caused in the world. Just release it. No need to dwell. We were part of the old world and now we honor ourselves for the courage to not just create something new but to move into it with our whole beautiful blessed being.
We’re feeling a new level of peace and calm, like we’ve never felt in our lives.
We continue creating on many levels. A few months ago I emailed the company that makes the organic coconut water I use for fruit smoothies to ask why there was sugar added. The reply was for consistency of flavor. It felt unnecessary, but there’s sugar added to almost everything lately. Well, I just noticed the added sugar has been removed from the coconut water, and I feel like I created that by my simple query.
So it’s important to keep creating what we want to see, and often now it takes very little effort. It’s happening because we want it to. We’re creating just because we came here to do that, and the ripples of change are moving out from our allegiance to our power and our belief in what we are doing. Step by miraculous step we are creating the world we want to live in, and we can feel the unmistakable knowing of that. We’re seeing it happen, but more importantly, we’re feeling it, inside, where all the work is taking place.
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Hi Terry. I want to share something that happened to me last nite. I was leaving an event and wondering if there would be traffic on the road home, as there has consistently been lately. When I got into my car, my cell phone alerted me. When I looked down and read the alert, this is what it said: traffic is light on the 33 going home. The 33 is the highway I had in mind. I have never set up any kind of alerts like this on my phone. I was in awe and thought “now if this is the new world, I’ll take more of the same ongoing”.
This is such a beautiful example of what is taking place! It doesn’t make sense to our rational mind, yet it is exactly what we need and want to create. This is totally the new world and we’re seeing more examples so that we know and can realize we need to picture what we want. Thanks for sharing this awesome story.