The New Message

We’ve just experienced another major amplification of the light. It is so strong that at times we can do very little except allow ourselves to evolve. We can feel the acceleration. We’re being quickly carried in this cosmic light and our cells are being transformed. Our bodies are clearing and adjusting. We’ve had over 40 M-class solar flares and 3 X-class flares in the last few days. And even if we’re on the couch because of that, we’re evolving.

You might find yourself drawn to being more quiet now. Our light is increasing and our ability to create is growing. We’re learning how to not create what we don’t want, by not thinking about it, or cancelling it as soon as we do. You may catch yourself thinking of something negative out of habit and then you cancel it and switch your vibe. We’re all seeing the people who are creating what they don’t want, just from the strength of old patterns. And we can feel gratitude for our growth and the fact that we’ve devoted ourselves to change.

We are in a new era. We are experiencing a new beginning. We have taken control of being run by the old system and stepped out of it as much as possible.

We’re getting glimpses of miraculous scenes in this new light. I was transported briefly to a beautiful, pristine forest. The air was fresh and the light filtered through the canopy of trees. Someone who appeared to be the Queen of the Fairies spoke to two young fairies nearby. Her voice was golden and melodic, like tinkling bells, and it resonated within me with the incredible feeling of love. Somewhere I read recently that the sound of bells is healing, and that’s what this voice was. This was a few days ago, and I can still feel it.

We’re experiencing kindness, which is a reflection of our own true nature. This journey moves us into kindness, peacefulness, and the resonance of love. But we are also fierce in maintaining our new selves. We no longer tolerate disrespect and we simply choose to no longer interact with it. As we make these choices, the dissonant energies drop away.

Yesterday, New Year’s Day, in the late afternoon, a snowy owl landed in the tree outside my window. I had asked for a message to share not long before the owl arrived. It is rare to see a snowy owl in Oregon, although they do come here. Here’s what I read online: these birds can brings messages from the Elders to share, and they represent change and transformation.

I saw a snowy owl 25 years ago, as I was entering the period of incredible transformation that brought me to where I am now. So the message feels clear. We are in another period of great change. The owl went to some trouble to land in the tree and then it looked directly at me.

Here is the message: You are in the time of abundance, renewal and remaking. You are each creating this, from the wisdom and power you carry within. You are being returned to who you are, and in that regenerative state, the energy that comes from you, sourced from the heart consciousness, is creational. It is beyond the bounds of your old world, allowing you to do miraculous things. You are already experiencing happenings that amaze you. As you enter your new world, dream big, as big as you can. Now is the time.

13 thoughts on “The New Message

  1. Terry, thanks for sharing your message from the snowy owl. It’s perfect.

    I am indeed feeling the need to withdraw and be quiet, and am deep into Presence.

    Wishing you and everyone here a miraculous and joyful new year.

  2. Pingback: The New Message - Love Yourself Into Life

  3. Wundervolle Botschaft, so natürlich, so authentisch.
    Herzlichen Dank.
    Tja, jetzt heißt es für uns in Deutschland Vertrauen zu beweisen.
    Die hier beschworene Veränderung, deren sich viele verschrieben haben, wird sie für einen NEUANFANG ausreichen?! Auf der politischen Ebene meine ich in diesem Fall.
    Jetzt beweise ich das, was diese Botschaft anmahnt:
    Nicht, nie daran denken, dass es beim Alten bleibt, … nein, voller Zuversicht dem Wandel in die Lichtseite manifestieren.

    • Thank you Anne! Here’s the translation:
      Wonderful message, so natural, so authentic.
      Thank you very much.
      Well, now it’s time for us in Germany to show trust.
      The change invoked here, to which many have committed themselves, will it be enough for a NEW BEGINNING?! In this case I mean on the political level.
      Now I prove what this message suggests:
      Don’t, never think about it staying the same, … no, manifest the change into the light side with full confidence.

      • And yes, we came here to do just what you say, manifest the change. This is so important. And as the changes happen, they will be worldwide. But we have to move our thoughts into the higher frequency heart consciousness. It’s so good to know that many of us everywhere are working on this.

  4. Thank you, very inspiring. I wish I was as certain as you but I do feel like something big and incredible is happening. I’ve asked to be a part of it many times. Still there are bumps along the road. Like dark energies making some last attempts to “infiltrate.” Sometimes it’s not just “ascension symptoms.” Asking for help from higher sources, I find releases one from those.

    Overall, it’s a raw kind of feeling, with “weird” overtones. I suppose, as you say, we should trust. What else can we do?

    • Mick, I feel that big incredible thing too. What we’re feeling is what is coming and what we are bringing in. And you are definitely a part of it. I have also been experiencing what you mention, the dark energies with their last attempts to infiltrate. What helps us the most is to stay in the highest frequencies we can. Trust is super important, trust in our own power. And faith that we can do this.

  5. I received a message the 1st day of the new year. It was this “do not attempt to match your power to that of the Brujo. Tend to your own power and leave their (the Bruno’s) power to themselves. Just walk away, if you are able to do so.”
    This leaves me with varied interpretations, however, I can also see the “Brujo” as the old controlling world and the “power that I attend to” as walking into the new world of our own creation”. “Just walking away” speaks to me of leaving the old way of being and doing. “If you are able” tells me that, at times, this may feel like a challenge to do so”.

    • To me what stands out is “Tend to your own power.” We’re all learning to do that, and we’re discovering how our power works and how we can use it for good. Thanks for sharing your experience.


  7. I had the most majestic experience with a barred owl on Jan. 2, 2025 – The day this was posted. Very cool happenstance! I walked out of my house (in the forest, in the mountains, in Canada), it was 9 pm and I was going out to cold plunge. And on the fence post was an illuminated and majestic owl right in front of me. Face to face and looked deep into my eyes. Honestly the most beautiful and profound experience. I know that it was meaningful in ways I dont fully understand yet and I keep asking my higher self / the Universe what it means!!

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