We can see and feel ourselves changing now in this enormous light bath that is taking place. We are all evolving. You may notice the energies seem heavy at times, and then there’s a shift and we’re lighter and happy, inspired and energized.
This past week, people I’ve encountered have talked about looking forward to being able to teleport, the arrival of ETs and how to use a pendulum. This is a first. All these are topics they would not have mentioned a few months ago. Many have also shared how their intuition is talking to them. Suddenly they’re able to know things. All this energy streaming in is having an impact, and we’re seeing it in the people we interact with. The evolution is underway. The ones we thought might never change are changing.

The constant acceleration we are experiencing is creating ongoing change within us, and we are each noticing what those changes are as we grow in awareness and perception. We’re seeing old situations in new ways. We’re taking new approaches. We’re letting go. We’re letting ourselves off the hook. We’ve been steeped in the heart consciousness.
One thing that is showing up is giving up adversarial relationships. In recent months, these have become obvious. We are being asked to change our stance from opposing someone, to creating/asking for a win/win. We don’t need to know what the win is for the other person or group, we just allow the magic to happen.
We might feel some resistance initially to asking for a win/win, especially with a situation that has seemed oppositional to us. But it’s important to try. Often the results appear very quickly and the wins can seem miraculous. When we make it our intention to create in this way, the obstacles fall away. This is part of letting resistance and negativity go. In our new world, in the new consciousness, we’re creational, not oppositional. And awareness is helping us to see just where we’re still holding to the old.
The pace is accelerating because we’re able to move more quickly now. Don’t get pulled into outer world events. Instead, cultivate your garden, the incredible new world you’re creating, with its beauty and wonder and magic and peace.
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