Our Super Power

After this most recent shift we have seen more of our true self emerging. This brings clear knowing of what we can no longer take part in regarding the old world. We have been carried by the cosmic current into more newness. Even if it feels temporarily disconcerting to be in this new space, we are ready. We continue to align and harmonize as more of the shadow shifts into the light. We are being activated in major ways. Talk about empowerment.

Many of us had to come to the point where we no longer wanted to invest in what we know as 3D life. It holds very little appeal now. When we look at what is going to happen, we are drawn back to our roles as creators. We are creating the world we want to live in. Didn’t you as a kid use your super power to imagine worlds to play in? That’s why we had that. And even though many lose that ability, some have kept it. In fact, those of us who’ve used our power to dream have often been told, “you have a big imagination.” We have that for a reason—so that we can use it. We were always supposed to be creating. Our creative power is hugely important, and we are powerful creators. We just have to do it.

Didn’t you as a kid use your super power to imagine worlds to play in?

That is what is happening now—we are imagining our world and moving into it. Once we access this power, we realize its importance. It is crucial to use this power to create our new world, for ourselves and for everyone.

Once we believe something is possible, we can create it. Let go of old beliefs that you hold onto just because you learned them. Let yourself try on new beliefs. New beliefs can take time, but move in that direction. You can decide what to believe. We need to believe in order to create something. This is how we create. By our beliefs and our intention.

Our intuitive information is coming in fast and furious. We’re getting pictures of things before they happen in our life. This is also important, as it shows us what is going to take place. We can use it like our GPS.

We are now feeling truth strongly. Our heart consciousness and our knowing are telling us what is true. We feel it. And we’re learning how this works. We can trust it. It is a different way of being.

Here we are, on this beautiful precipice of possibility. We are ready to soar. We are ready to show everyone the way of the heart. We’ve known this forever. What an incredible feeling to be here now.

4 thoughts on “Our Super Power

  1. Pingback: Our Super Power - Love Yourself Into Life

  2. Eine wundervolle Botschaft, die so sonnenklar aufzeigt, von welchem Gegenstand unsere Freude, beziehungsweise Vorfreude geprägt ist, ganz herzlichen Dank dafür. ‼️

    • I’ll add the translation:
      A wonderful message that shows so clearly what object our joy or anticipation is shaped by, thank you very much for that.

      Thank you Anne!

  3. Thanks, Terry.

    Yes, lots of changes happening, esp. the old reality we knew falling away, also people in our lives falling away. And choosing another way of being. We must all trust our hearts. That is where our truth lies in every moment. We only need to trust what it’s saying. And to act on it.

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