Another Big Shift

Here we go again, moving into more newness. This week brings the opportunity for all those who are ready to move ahead, as we’ve been at this a long time. All those shifting now will continue working on the expansion, as more will continue to arrive as they become ready. We’ll be holding the space in the new frequency we inhabit.

Many are feeling this readiness and movement strongly. There’s a resonance: a combination of “I can’t do this old world anymore” and “I feel like everything is going to change.” They’re at the gateway that is opening now.

One incredible part of this whole process is the guidance we are all receiving. Even if we aren’t completely aware of the ways we’re led into the experiences we need that move us into more wholeness, the guidance has been ongoing: nudges, encouragement and messages.

We’re living in the consciousness of the heart.

We’re not only taking light in, we’re being pulled toward it. Pulled into the beautiful higher frequencies where we can experience what we have long wanted, the peaceful and co-creative, interconnected way of being. Living in the consciousness of the heart. Stepping fully away from negativity and doubt.

We have been learning about our abilities and now is when they come into play. Now is when we move into our divinely infused, cosmically sourced power and stand in the roles we came for. We are here for a purpose. We have overridden an old false system, in order to bring in an elevated and expansive world of light.

We can feel our power emerging, we can feel ourselves embodying it. It comes from our inherent divinity. We have been bathed and steeped in sufficient cosmic light to activate our knowing and our seeing and everything we came here to be. For all who are ready, now is the time.

Let your own guidance lead the way. Feel into it. Trust the wisdom that is speaking to you from within. Allow the confusion and chaos to fall away. We’re emerging from our years of preparation. We’re the butterfly spreading wings, the phoenix rising. We’re the ancient soul here to experience this light-filled transformation.

Feel the magnificence of this experience.

There has been so much we didn’t know or couldn’t share. And yet we’ve all been led to where we are now, at the ending of 3D and the beginning of a miraculous new time.

Continue absorbing the light. We’re being embraced by it. We’re being pulled into it. We’re coming into unity with it. This is our new home.

3 thoughts on “Another Big Shift

  1. Pingback: Another Big Shift - Love Yourself Into Life

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