I’ve been taking a break from mainstream news and all the virus coverage. And I’ve been feeling some big, incredible, alive energy in our midst. It’s been coming in, gathering, almost like clear clouds all around us. It’s the New Earth energy of our new milieu, ready for us as we choose to leave the old world in our wake and begin to live in a new way. This new way involves releasing our fear, opening our hearts, letting go of our resistance, and opening to new ways of seeing and being. We’re reinventing ourselves and our worlds from the inside out.
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September 2, 2019: Holding the New LIGHT
As these persistent energies continue, creating change in all of us, we are becoming increasingly disconnected from the old world, and I am sure you are noticing how odd it is to experience this. For example, you may notice increasing gaps between you and those who are choosing not to grow and expand who they are. You may be seeing many people bring up fearful topics, things they are afraid will happen, as opposed to realizing their own power to create. Quite a few are jangled by all the chaos, while most of us are feeling quite calm in the midst of all this. It’s as if we know that’s what’s going on is all about evolutionary change and the restoration of workable systems that support everyone. Much of what is taking place are things we can no longer relate to, as they feel quite distant from us. Our role is working with the energies and holding the new LIGHT. We are sending these new patterns into the world. Continue reading
Our New High-Vibe Selves
Twenty years ago, when my journey first started, I jumped off a personal cliff, leaving my job and selling my home and moving to a place where I hardly knew anyone. I had been to this place on vacation, and the energy of it felt like “home.” Taking that leap changed everything. I’m sure many of you have been thru something similar, where you trusted what was taking place and went with it, following your internal guidance because something was waking up inside of you. Continue reading
The Realm of Cosmic Possibilities
A friend recently had a brief but powerful vision where she saw a door, and when she opened it, she was shown the Realm of Cosmic Possibilities. We are standing in that doorway now and we are going to find that many things are different as we step through. Continue reading
Our New Operating System
More people are getting hooked up. I just had coffee with a friend. The last time I saw her about a month ago she was experiencing mega fear and made it clear she did not believe that humanity is currently shifting/evolving into a new phase. But this time, she told me about all the physical symptoms she has been having, which necessitated a visit to the ER. After a battery of tests she was pronounced very healthy. But she wondered what was happening. Continue reading
Meditation: Old Patterns
This photo is a beautiful illustration of the process we are going thru as we release old patterns and become more light-filled. We are being lit up by the incoming light just like this cloud. The message coming thru is, release the old, release your hold on it, release its hold on you. Allow the new to fill you, to reflect from you, just like the light on this cloud.
Our next meditation is Monday Nov. 2 at 6 pm.
We will connect in to our higher self and ask to hold the highest vibration that we can at this time. And then send that vibration out to all as we connect in the new space.
Meditation: Cycles of Transformation
Meditation: Songs of Praise
Meditation: Earth Colors