We are in a major acceleration right now. Are you feeling it? It’s creating all kinds of movement, in the world news and in our own lives. People around us are waking up. They have questions and some want help. We are in a position to help because of everything we have gone thru to get where we are now. We used to be where they are, and we can reassure them, answer questions, and help them move into the new experience. This is more of our purpose showing up. We’ve been creating our New Earth and now we will help those who are asking for help.
Continue readingThe Reset
Great freedom comes when we finally know ourselves. When we know who we are, we are no longer looking to others to tell us. We can see ourselves, and this reflection arrives when we have cleared what was not us, and then all the light that we have taken on provides our new reflection.
Continue readingCosmic Alignment
We have had a major release in the last week that will be enormously helpful. We were able, as a collective, to release the huge chunk of negativity that was holding so many in its grip. With this release, you may notice that your own tendency to have a judgment or negative assessment is stopped in mid-thought. You may be reminding yourself, that’s not who I am now, and that’s not how I think.
Continue readingEntering the Circle
Our progress is steady and undeniable. We can see the leaps we are making, and we are not dropping back. Not that many years ago we’d take a couple of steps forward and then drop back a bit, but that has ended. Now it is all forward movement.
Continue readingOur Accelerated Process
The energies continue unabated, and we are in an accelerated process of integration now, which barely leaves time for us to catch our breath. We receive a wallop of cosmic energies, we’re energized, we’re laid low, and then reinvigorated. We get some things done. And then comes another wallop. And the process repeats. There’s little time to even think about what is taking place, so fast is it happening.
Continue readingOur Current Purpose
The process of creating the New Earth is individual. Each person is doing it, finding and feeling their way. And as we work on this, day by day, we notice the New Earth that we are creating taking shape. It begins to form around us, and it shows itself in many ways. This includes an abundance of synchronicity and intuitive input, a multitude of magical experiences, renewed creative power and the ability to create what is needed, expanded perception, and increasingly knowing who you are. Discovering and aligning with who you are brings you into your power. This changes our lives, as we become who we are meant to be. We no longer struggle and flounder once we are anchored in our truth, and we can focus on creating, which is our current purpose.
Continue readingAnother Big Shift
The skies were stunning in many places last weekend, and the geomagnetic storms that were creating all those reds and greens and streaming whites were also quietly creating big shifts in those of us on this long and winding path. Sunday thru Tuesday I was mostly on the couch, barely able to keep my eyes open, with almost no appetite or ability to get much done. It lifted Tuesday afternoon and by Wednesday and I was re-energized and able to catch up.
Continue readingComing into Alignment
During this remarkable shift of a lifetime, the transformation we’ve all been working on brings us into alignment with a new way of being. And when this happens, we discover something magical: everything works. We’re no longer struggling or searching or questioning, because we are in synch with the new frequencies. We’re seeing and experiencing and creating from a perspective anchored in these new frequencies. The alignment is palpable. It’s akin to when you land in an airplane when you’re coming home; the wheels touch down and you’re connected again to where you live.
Continue readingWe’re Making It Happen
This past week—Thursday—we broke thru to a new level. It felt like moving thru—past—a space we have been contained in. And we moved into more expansion and awareness and ability to hold light. We are holding vast amounts of light now and that light is flowing out from us to all those around us, everyone we interact with.
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