Moving Beyond Helping and Limitation

We continue to evolve into higher versions of ourselves and being more present. We’re observing what is happening as it is happening because this allows us to make course corrections. One thing I am noticing is this: We can no longer help in the ways that we used to, especially in ways that disempower others. We can only empower. So we walk a fine line when we are helping those who are ready to move into their power to resolve the imperfect creations they’ve made.

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Giving Back the Key

I had a telling dream this week. I was asked to give a key back to a couple I knew years ago. Now in my actual life I never had their key and I was puzzled about that in the dream. But I gave it back, this single silver house key, and the moment I did, two young children appeared and we began to play. The level of joy and happiness was incredible, and I woke up feeling wonderful. I wondered whose children they were.

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