The Arrival of Our Cosmic Self

Can these energies get any stronger? And yet we are definitely integrating them quickly now and moving into increasingly higher frequencies, and seeing our base of operations buzz with even more newness. We’re feeling the heart center expanding, and we’re feeling the experience of moving past limitation into a whole lot we don’t yet know as we shift into connecting with a cosmic version of our self. This is bringing us new experiences as this expanded self sees and feels and knows its connection to the universe.

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Holiday Lights

As we move into our new experience we are making it our own. We’re in a beautiful process of purification. We are being shown any remaining problematic patterns that we still hold and then poof, we clear them. They go easily. We’re even looking at individual thoughts to see which are still old ones, which beliefs are clearly 3D and not yet 5D. This is how we evolve at this moment as we embrace our immensely important roles as creators. Because we are the creators of our New Earth and it is becoming clear with each passing day what a mammoth job this is. And yet each does their part.

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The Intuitive Wave

As we steep in these intense incoming energies, one thing is definitely changing. The intuitive input and guidance is growing very strong, so strong that we are finding we have to go with it. We were always supposed to have this guidance, and as we settle into it, it will feel absolutely normal.

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Impossible Things

The past week has been interesting. There were a couple days of not being able to do much followed by a day of easily completing the tasks that were on my list. And then today I am back to feeling like a space cadet. The level of acclimation we have reached means we are doing much better overall. We’re actually getting good at making our way in all this beautiful newness as we continue creating our New Earth.

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Moving into Wholeness

These energies just get stronger and stronger, and we are seeing more separation from all things old as we move into everything new. In the last few days I have been noticing very odd comments from people in the old world, and they don’t even seem to make sense.

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Focusing on the Light

No matter what arises, we continue to turn our focus to the light. We know where we are headed, so in spite of what is happening over there or way over there, we are steadfast. Our allegiance is pure. And we are indefatigable in our spirit, which knows.

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Soaking in the Light

We’ve put so much of the New Earth in place that we are now creating a large part of our daily experience without even trying. These creations are the result of the intents that we have already moved into energetic form, which has then become physical. This creation of matter from energy is now commonplace for all those who have discharged their old constraining belief systems and are working with the incredible power and potential of the new frequencies.

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A Wrinkle in Time

The energies continue to be powerful and non-stop. The good news is we’ve acclimated to them and are better at aligning with them and moving with them now. And there is definitely movement. We’re seeing that with all our practice we’ve mastered our abilities to do a variety of things and we can now create many things easily. Thus we’re transitioning into our larger creative roles now, where we are creating on a bigger scale—in our communities and beyond.

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Timeline Shifts

We continue to expand into higher frequencies, filling with light as these increasingly powerful energies flow in. We can feel ourselves changing in these exalted vibrations. On an almost daily basis now, we’re discovering we have become an even newer version of ourselves. And we’re to the point where we can feel those shifts now. Sometimes it’s the tiniest click that signals you aren’t who you were a minute ago. You’ve moved into more magnificence, more power and more leadership. We are definitely being asked to use our leadership skills now.

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